It seems that when I create my scanner I get this error. I have tried to solve this by searching the error name, but have so far been unsuccessful in getting the message to stop appearing.


import java.util.Scanner;
public class PrintQueue {
    //Instance variables
    private Queue<Job> pq;
    public PrintQueue() {
        pq = new Queue<Job>();
    //Adds a job object to the end of the queue
    public void lpr(String owner, int jobId) {
        Job j = new Job(owner, jobId);
    //Enumerates the queue
    public void lpq() {
        Job curr = pq.first();
        for (int i = 0; i < pq.size(); i++) {
            curr = pq.next();
    //Removes the first entry in the queue if the input integer matches the integer contained within the job object
    public void lprm(int jobId) {
        if (pq.first().getJobId() == (jobId))
            System.out.println("Unable to find jobId.");
    //Removes all objects that contain the input String
    public void lprmAll(String owner) {
        Job curr = pq.first();
        for (int i = 0; i < pq.size(); i++) {
            if (curr.getOwner().equals(owner)) 
            curr = pq.next();
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner k = new Scanner(System.in);
        PrintQueue myPQ = new PrintQueue();
        String name;
        int id;
        for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
            System.out.print("Enter owner and id: ");
            name = k.next();
            id = k.nextInt();
            myPQ.lpr(name, id);
        System.out.println("Print Queue");
        System.out.println("Print Queue"); 

Part where I get the error:

Scanner k = new Scanner(System.in);
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2 Answers2


That's because you're never closing the Scanner. Change your code to:

Scanner k = null;
try {
    k = new Scanner(System.in);
    //do stuff with k here...
} finally {
    if( k != null )
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  • This is the part that I do not quite understand. What makes the scanner never close. I do not see what I am doing differently in this program than any other program that has a scanner. – user1730357 Oct 19 '13 at 18:54
  • Many programmers often forget to do this (including myself for a long time). But properly cleaning up your resources using try-finally is something that you always need to do, even if your program seems fine without it. – musical_coder Oct 19 '13 at 18:58
  • Should the curly braces of try start from k = new Scanner(System.in); and go to the last occurance of the use of the scanner object? – user1730357 Oct 19 '13 at 19:02

It seems that it is rather warning than error. However it is good practice to solve it.

Actually you just have to call k.close(); in the end of your method. The best practice is to call close in finally block: this guarantees that the resource is closed whenever exception is thrown or not;

Scanner k = null;
try {
    k = new Scanner(System.in);
} finally {
    if (k != null) {

Fortunately java 7 provides makes this syntax less verbose:

try (
    Scanner k = new Scanner(System.in);
) {
    .... // use k

When object of any class that implements Closable is created in special section of try block that marked with regular brackets () you do not have to write finally block: it is added by compiler.

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