I am trying to get a div to reload once a checkbox has been selected or unselected and the form has been submitted. I have used AJAX and can get the form to submit on change, which works no problem. However the page has to reload to display new data.

I have built the php in such a way that it doesn't need to refresh the page or fetch a new page. If the div and it's content refreshes that should be sufficient to display the new filtered data.

Below is what I have written so far

$(document).ready(function() {
$("input:checkbox").change( function() {

       type: "POST",
       url: "index.php?action=resortFilter",
       data: $("#locationFilter").serialize(),
       success: function(data) {


What do I need to do to get the div to reload after the request has been made?

I use class methods to handle the processing which return only the array of data. The requests are made to the class from a php function.

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3 Answers3


What I'm trying to do isn't actually possible to because PHP is a server side language. The best bet is to create a new intermediate file that can handle the display of the data so that it can be brought in through a normal AJAX request and get the new display from it

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Where is the Ajax request? You are submitting your form through HTML/Browser. You need to use the following code:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("input:checkbox").change( function() {

    var url = "path/to/your/script.php"; // the script where you handle the form input.

           type: "POST",
           url: url,
           data: $("#locationFilter").serialize(), // serializes the form's elements.
           success: function(data)

Source: jQuery AJAX submit form

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  • The script in in the `` element of the page. I handle all the processing with `class` methods, which only return the data array. If I use the method above, while it does work, it loads the whole page inside the `
    – user1711576 Oct 09 '13 at 11:51
  • I can not understand what is your problem. I've answered your question you asked, I can not predict your problems when you have not mentioned them. – Kousha Oct 09 '13 at 11:54
  • You need to change your server-side codes and it's not jQuery problem at all. You need to read more about Ajax requests and Ajax server-side properties. – Kousha Oct 09 '13 at 11:57
  • I appreciate your help however question was aimed at how to refresh a `div` rather than submit a form. I was just trying to give context to what I am trying to achieve – user1711576 Oct 09 '13 at 12:12

this sample loading code maybe help you

<div id="loadhere"></div>

Pooya Estakhri
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