I am using App Engine Modules in my python project. (https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/modules/#Python_Background_threads)

I am also receiving email in m project: https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/mail/receivingmail

I want to direct the emails to my worker module and not the default module. To that end my worker.yaml has the following settings


    api_version: 1
    application: integrate
    module: worker
    version: 1-0-0
    runtime: python27
    threadsafe: true

    - mail

    - deferred: on


    - url: /admin/.+
      script: src.worker.main.app
      login: admin

    - url: /_ah/mail/.+
      script: src.worker.main.app
      login: admin

    - url: /.*
      script: src.worker.main.app


    api_version: 1
    application: integrate
    version: 1-0-0
    runtime: python27
    threadsafe: true

    - deferred: on


    - url: /admin/.+
      script: src.default.main.app
      login: admin

    - url: /.*
      script: src.default.main.app

I even tried adding a dispatch.yaml

    application: integrate

    - url: "*/_ah/mail/.+"
      module: worker

But no matter what I do the emails which reach my app are handled by the default module. Any idea what I am missing here? I see the emails coming in but no matter what I do they only go to the default module.

David Ward
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2 Answers2


Inbound services could be used only within default module and that is expected behavior. The fact that it works for you locally in devserver is a bug, actually.

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Just some additional info for the answer which may help folks in a similar situation.

I noticed in the DevServer log:

"Skipping dispatch.yaml rules because /_ah/mail/[EMAIL_ADDRESS_FOR_APP] is not a dispatchable path."

This is no doubt due to local config, however.

Regardless, the workaround I have now using Tasks is:

  • Dispatch or directly handle Inbound Mail in the default module
  • Provide a script handler that creates a Task, taking the relevant MailMessage data as the payload
  • Set the TaskQueue in queue.yaml to target the module you wish to process the payload data, e.g. a 'worker' module
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