I want to create website which will mostly look like a presentation with no user input.The user must vist to my site and he will be able to see images sliding and after regular interval of time the page must change automatically. I want to know how can i switch pages of my website using javascript at regular interval of time.

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    Have you looked into the `setTimeout()` function and/or [`window.location`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window.location#Example_.231.3A_Navigate_to_a_new_page) yet? If not, [what else have you tried?](http://mattgemmell.com/2008/12/08/what-have-you-tried/) – nnnnnn Sep 21 '13 at 13:33
  • Yea i wouldn't stay on a site long if it kept jumping pages just to change an image lol. check out some image sliders and stuff with jquery. – FaddishWorm Sep 21 '13 at 13:44
  • I don't think "switch pages automatically" is good. You should "switch images automatically" instead – Vitim.us Sep 21 '13 at 17:18

3 Answers3


Here's a way to do it in one page. Essentially, every TIME_PER_PAGE interval, you switch the "page" div out, and sub in the next page. The inline stylesheet ensures that only the current page is visible and that it takes up the full size of the screen.

            body, html { 
                height: 100%; 
                overflow: hidden; 
                padding: 0; 
                margin: 0; 

            .page {
              top: 0; 
              left: 0; 
              width: 100%; 
              min-height: 100%; 
              position: absolute; 
              display: none; 
              overflow: hidden;
              border: 0;

            .currentPage { 
              display: block; 
            var TIME_PER_PAGE = 2000;
            window.onload = function() {
                var pages = document.querySelectorAll('.page'),
                    numPages = pages ? pages.length : 0;
                    i = -1;

                function nextPage() {
                    if (i >= 0)

                    if (i < numPages - 1)
                      setTimeout(nextPage, TIME_PER_PAGE);


        <div class="page">Page 1 Content</div>
        <div class="page">Page 2 Content</div>
        <div class="page">Page 3 Content</div>
        <div class="page">Page 4 Content</div>
        <div class="page">Page 5 Content</div>
Mark Vayngrib
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Try something like this maybe - where 2000 is 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds).

setTimeout(function(){document.location='http://google.com.au';}, 2000);


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    Where by "something like this" you mean `setTimeout(function() { document.location='http://google.com.au';}, 2000);`? (The code you've shown will set the location immediately, it won't wait two seconds.) – nnnnnn Sep 21 '13 at 13:42
  • you are right, thanks :) – FaddishWorm Sep 21 '13 at 13:43

setInterval would be nice. For example:

var interval = setInterval(switchPage, 2000)
function switchPage(){
    //with use of Jquery
    var active = $('.page.active'), next = active.next();
    if(next.length !== 0){
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