I am running IE10, and attemping to enable multiple file uploads from a single html input.

I have gone back to absolute basics, and used example code from w3schoools to test the functionality.

If I go here: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml5_input_multiple and click browse, I am able to select multiple files.

If I copy all of the code and paste into an empty html document on my internal webserver, and navigate to that page, I can not select multiple files.

Is there some IE security setting that can prevent this ability based on site zone or security etc? Or perhaps a setting within Apache 2.2.4 that disables this?

EDIT: I have just tested the same code locally with chrome, and it works fine, so assume it is not my web server, but some setting in IE10.

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  • Make sure you are not running IE10 in compatibility mode. – jstrong Sep 05 '13 at 15:03
  • It's not, the compatibility view button doesn't even appear in the browser when I visit this page. – Eds Sep 05 '13 at 15:22
  • Not reproducible. Even in Quirks Mode, IE 10 lets me select multiple files when testing locally. – Jukka K. Korpela Sep 05 '13 at 17:52
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    Not sure what or how, but I added to try to get the page to run in what I believe to be IE9 mode. Adding that line cured the problem. I then removed the line, and it still worked :S – Eds Sep 06 '13 at 08:02
  • I have noticed, adding that line, the form works correctly, removing it and reloading the page works correctly. If I then navigate away from that page, and then go back to it after removing that line, it no longer works. – Eds Sep 06 '13 at 08:09
  • Ok I must apologise to roflmao, as when going into developer tools, the browser is running in IE10 compat mode, IE7 quirks. The compatibility view button does not appear, so I don't know how normal users are supposed to turn this off? How can I stop this page auto starting in compat mode? – Eds Sep 06 '13 at 08:13

1 Answers1


As already mentioned by the OP, the issue at hand is most likely a (mis-configured) X-UA-Compatible meta-tag.

I suggest to remove the X-UA-Compatible tag altogether these days, except for very specific edge cases.

I have successfully "enabled" multi-file upload for a legacy application this way. More details:

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