Using mongoskin, I can do a query like this, which will return a cursor:

myCollection.find({}, function(err, resultCursor) {
      resultCursor.each(function(err, result) {


However, I'd like to call some async functions for each document, and only move on to the next item on the cursor after this has called back (similar to the eachSeries structure in the async.js module). E.g:

myCollection.find({}, function(err, resultCursor) {
      resultCursor.each(function(err, result) {

            externalAsyncFunction(result, function(err) {
               //externalAsyncFunction completed - now want to move to next doc


How could I do this?



I don't wan't to use toArray() as this is a large batch operation, and the results might not fit in memory in one go.

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  • If you're blocking and waiting for the async function to complete before moving on, what's the point of calling it asynchronously? – Rotem Hermon Aug 08 '13 at 06:47
  • @RotemHermon I don't have any choice! It's not my function and it's async. (Will rename myAsyncFunction to externalAsyncFunction...) – UpTheCreek Aug 08 '13 at 06:49
  • Why are you not using `toArray()` and then a recursive function to iterate over the result? – Salman Aug 08 '13 at 06:53
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    @Салман - good question - I'm not using toArray as it's a large batch operation and the full result might not fit in memory. (I'll update question) – UpTheCreek Aug 08 '13 at 06:58

9 Answers9


A more modern approach that uses async/await:

const cursor = db.collection("foo").find({});
while(await cursor.hasNext()) {
  const doc = await cursor.next();
  // process doc here


  • This may be even more simple to do when async iterators arrive.
  • You'll probably want to add try/catch for error checking.
  • The containing function should be async or the code should be wrapped in (async function() { ... })() since it uses await.
  • If you want, add await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); (pause for 1 second) at the end of the while loop to show that it does process docs one after the other.

If you don't want to load all of the results into memory using toArray, you can iterate using the cursor with something like the following.

myCollection.find({}, function(err, resultCursor) {
  function processItem(err, item) {
    if(item === null) {
      return; // All done!

    externalAsyncFunction(item, function(err) {


Timothy Strimple
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    This method didn't work for me for large dataset. I get "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded". – Soichi Hayashi Jan 12 '14 at 16:07
  • @SoichiHayashi There are a number of things which will cause a RangeError, but the example above shouldn't throw it. Maybe if you provide more details as a separate question I can help you figure out where it is going wrong. – Timothy Strimple Jan 13 '14 at 21:54
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    @SoichiHayashi wrap the async function or callback in a `process.nextTick`! – zamnuts Mar 26 '14 at 04:35
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    @SoichiHayashi to follow up on @zamnuts - the reason your stack is overflowing with the example above is because every time you process an item, you run another callback to process the next item *within the processing function of the current one*. As your resultset grows, you loop through more function calls and each one creates a new stack frame on top of the previous. Wrapping the async callback in `process.nextTick`, `setImmediate` or `setTimeout` causes it to run in the next loop, 'outside' of the call stack we've created to process each document. – pospi Jun 05 '14 at 01:20
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    What about `cursor.forEach()`? – Redsandro Dec 10 '14 at 12:55
  • 2
    @Redsandro - cursor.forEach() provides no async way of signalling to move to next item. – UpTheCreek Feb 26 '16 at 14:56
  • for clarity I think adding the `externalAsyncFunction` example would help. I didn't understand at first. `function externalAsyncFunction(doc, next) { // process here next(); }` – Lex Mar 28 '16 at 20:57
  • @Lex That is the example function used in the original question. It makes more sense when you start there and then read the answer! – Timothy Strimple Mar 29 '16 at 02:39
  • callstack over flow and process.nextTick should be avoided. – chovy Dec 17 '16 at 05:57

since node.js v10.3 you can use async iterator

const cursor = db.collection('foo').find({});
for await (const doc of cursor) {
  // do your thing
  // you can even use `await myAsyncOperation()` here

Jake Archibald wrote a great blog post about async iterators, that I came to know after reading @user993683's answer.

Jaydeep Solanki
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This works with large dataset by using setImmediate:

var cursor = collection.find({filter...}).cursor();

cursor.nextObject(function fn(err, item) {
    if (err || !item) return;

    setImmediate(fnAction, item, arg1, arg2, function() {

function fnAction(item, arg1, arg2, callback) {
    // Here you can do whatever you want to do with your item.
    return callback();
Stephan Weinhold
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If someone is looking for a Promise way of doing this (as opposed to using callbacks of nextObject), here it is. I am using Node v4.2.2 and mongo driver v2.1.7. This is kind of an asyncSeries version of Cursor.forEach():

function forEachSeries(cursor, iterator) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    var count = 0;
    function processDoc(doc) {
      if (doc != null) {
        return iterator(doc).then(function() {
          return cursor.next().then(processDoc);
      } else {

To use this, pass the cursor and an iterator that operates on each document asynchronously (like you would for Cursor.forEach). The iterator needs to return a promise, like most mongodb native driver functions do.

Say, you want to update all documents in the collection test. This is how you would do it:

var theDb;
MongoClient.connect(dbUrl).then(function(db) {
  theDb = db;     // save it, we'll need to close the connection when done.
  var cur = db.collection('test').find();

  return forEachSeries(cur, function(doc) {    // this is the iterator
    return db.collection('test').updateOne(
      {_id: doc._id},
      {$set: {updated: true}}       // or whatever else you need to change
    // updateOne returns a promise, if not supplied a callback. Just return it.
.then(function(count) {
  console.log("All Done. Processed", count, "records");
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You can do something like this using the async lib. The key point here is to check if the current doc is null. If it is, it means you are finished.

        function (cb) {
            cursor.each(function (err, doc) {
                if (err) {
                } else if (doc === null) {
                } else {
    ], function (err) {
        callback(err, array);
  • Hi Antoine - the problem I had with this approach is that if you need to do something for each record asyncronously, then there's no way for the cursor loop to wait until that's done. (The cursor.each doesn't provide a 'next' callback, so only sync operations are possible within it). – UpTheCreek Jun 16 '14 at 13:30

You can get the result in an Array and iterate using a recursive function, something like this.

myCollection.find({}).toArray(function (err, items) {
    var count = items.length;
    var fn = function () {
        externalAsyncFuntion(items[count], function () {
            count -= 1;
            if (count) fn();



This is only applicable for small datasets, for larger one's you should use cursors as mentioned in other answers.

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You could use a Future:

myCollection.find({}, function(err, resultCursor) {
        for(var i=0;i<count;i++)
            var itemFuture=new Future();


            var item=itemFuture.wait();
            //do what you want with the item, 
            //and continue with the loop if so

Gerard Carbó
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You could use simple setTimeOut's. This is an example in typescript running on nodejs (I am using promises via the 'when' module but it can be done without them as well):

        import mongodb = require("mongodb");

        var dbServer = new mongodb.Server('localhost', 27017, {auto_reconnect: true}, {});
        var db =  new mongodb.Db('myDb', dbServer);

        var util = require('util');
        var when = require('when'); //npm install when

        var dbDefer = when.defer();
        db.open(function() {
            console.log('db opened...');

        dbDefer.promise.then(function(db : mongodb.Db){
            db.collection('myCollection', function (error, dataCol){
                if(error) {
                    console.error(error); return;

                var doneReading = when.defer();

                var processOneRecordAsync = function(record) : When.Promise{
                    var result = when.defer();

                    setTimeout (function() {
                        //simulate a variable-length operation
                        result.resolve('record processed');
                    }, Math.random()*5);

                    return result.promise;

                var runCursor = function (cursor : MongoCursor){
                    cursor.next(function(error : any, record : any){
                        if (error){
                            console.log('an error occurred: ' + error);
                        if (record){
                                setTimeout(function() {runCursor(cursor)}, 1);
                            //cursor up
                            doneReading.resolve('done reading data.');

                dataCol.find({}, function(error, cursor : MongoCursor){
                    if (!error)
                        setTimeout(function() {runCursor(cursor)}, 1);

                doneReading.promise.then(function(message : string){
                    //message='done reading data'
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