I have created a bulky .net regex expression that works, but is quite inefficient. I'd have to assume that there is a more condensed way to write it, but I can't seem to find one.

What I need it to do:

  • match positive and negative integers
  • match positive and negative decimals with or without any numbers preceding the decimal
  • work for .NET since it is being used in a WPF application

Examples of matches from arbitrary example strings:

  • "7" from "7in"
  • "-4" from "-4 mm"
  • ".345" from " .345"
  • "-.43" from " -.43 cm"
  • "0.16" from "$0.16"
  • "-10.04" "-10.04"

What I need to avoid:

  • matching the second number in a range as a negative
    *ex: matching "-3500" in "1000-3500 RPM" (should match 1000 and 3500)

My regex:


The Breakdown:

?<![0-9])(-)\.\d+ - a negative decimal without numbers before the decimal and then make sure there is no number before the dash


(?<![0-9])(-)\d+\.\d+ - a negative decimal with numbers before the decimal and then make sure there is no number before the dash


?<![0-9])(-)\d+ - a negative integer without a number preceding the dash


\.\d+ - find a positive decimal with no preceding numbers


\d+\.\d+ - find a positive decimal with preceding numbers


\d+ - find an positive integer

Now, from what I understand, this should be able to be combined into fewer "OR" segments. Id guess that you can at least combine the positive and negative cases and probably the optional numbers proceeding a decimal. Any increased performance would be much appreciated.


Scott P
  • 88
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3 Answers3


How about this one: -?(\d*\.)?\d+ ?

  • 3,405
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Try (?<!\d)\s*-?\d*(\.\d+)?

Uses a negative lookbehind to assert there are no digits before the dash, also only allows only one decimal point (if any).

Song Gao
  • 656
  • 4
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Looks like this does the job: (?<![0-9])-?\.?([0-9]+)?\.?[0-9]+

Tested here

edit- Condensed slightly: (?<![0-9])-?\.?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+

Tested here

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