I am fond of mosh but I have problem connecting via two-level ssh. Consider this scenario:

  • host machine running FreeBSD which has closed all ports from outside
  • first jail having ssh port 2222 open from the outside is on public IP let's say door.example.com
  • second jail with private IP address named DEV.example.com that can be ssh-ed from door.example.com on port 2222 as well
  • redirection is set up to forward udp port 60000 from door.example.com to DEV.example.com

There is generaly some problem with ttys and jails, but I am able to connect this way:

ssh -t -t -p2222 door.example.com -- ssh -p2222 DEV.example.com

being asked for both password to door.example.com and DEV.example.com afterwards.

I have tried this mosh command (also tried all variations with and without -t -t params):

mosh --port 60000 \
  --ssh "ssh -t -t -p2222" \
  --server "ssh -t -t -p2222 DEV.example.com mosh-server" \

but I always get hanging on password authentication to the second jail with no password prompt.

Funny thing is that from android mosh-flavored irssi connect bot this works when I set up mosh port to 60000 and as mosh server I fill in ssh -t -t -p2222 DEV.example.com mosh-server

I know there are ways to set-up ssh proxy but I don't want to have things like netcat on the door jail. This should work somehow especially because it already works from my phone.

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1 Answers1


Is there a reason the mosh-server needs to be at the end point (dev) rather than at the entry (door)?

I use something like:

mosh --port 60000 \
     --ssh "ssh -t -t -p2222" \
     -- door.example.com ssh -t -t -p2222 dev.example.com

For my setup at home.

FWIW, I use something like this for irssi:

mosh --ssh="ssh -p2222" \
     -- user@dmz.example.com ssh -q -t user@irssi.example.com \
                 screen -c /home/user/.screen.irc -UxaA irc

Both my servers are FreeBSD and clients are either MacBook Air or a laptop running Ubuntu. I had gone with a dmz host with host based firewall, to overcome the limited forwards available on my current router.

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