I have a problem in "Ajax Loader image". On Firefox it is working fine but on chrome that ajax loader image does not seems.

I have a some attributes on sidebar when I check any attribute Products changes according with it and a Preloader image generated before ajax completed.What I am doing is when I check on any attribute first I insert a gif image in div html and show it using .show() method and after success of ajax I set div html null and hide it.

You can see that div in firebug (<div id="ajax_loader_div" style="display:none;"></div>)

Code is really complicated that's why I am not posting code here.Really very Sorry for that.You can see it on http://vcompare4u.com/wpcompare/products/laptops/

I need help.Please Thanks!!!

Bhuvnesh Gupta
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2 Answers2

<div id="#ajax_loader_css" style="display:none;"></div>

should be

<div id="ajax_loader_css" style="display:none;"></div>

Based on the accepted answer here valid values for an id element are

ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".").

Firefox is obviously trying to fix it by removing the invalid character making the #ajax_loader_css css selector match something where as chrome is ignoring it so your selector matches nothing.

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I've seen your code

It is well known a synchronous requests will lock the UI. So not surprisingly on chrome and safari, (it does in Firefox interestingly)

can you try something like this

jQuery('#customtag_widget-2 .compare_attribute').bind('change', 

jQuery.filterProductsCompare2 = function () {
jQuery('#ajax_loader_div').css('display', 'block');
jQuery('#ajax_loader_div').html('<img src="http://vcompare4u.com/wpcompare/wp-content/themes/compare/_assets/img/ajax-loader.gif" / >');

jQuery('#customtag_widget-2 .compare_attribute_group').each(function () {

        jQuery(this).children().each(function () {

            if (jQuery(this).children('.compare_attribute').attr('checked')) {

                if (jQuery(this).children('.compare_attribute').attr('name').indexOf('b[') != -1) {



                if (jQuery(this).children('.compare_attribute').attr('name').indexOf('c[') != -1) {





    } else {

        minmaxarr = jQuery(this).attr('value').split(';');

        minPrice = minmaxarr[0];

        maxPrice = minmaxarr[1];


    if (!jQuery.support.placeholder) {

        if (isEmptyPlaceholder == 1) {





if (jQuery('#dont_change_price').is(':checked')) {
    minPrice = jQuery('#overall_min').val();
    maxPrice = jQuery('#overall_max').val();
} else {}


    url : file_url,
    data : {
        ajaxsearch : '1',
        s : 'compare',
        ki : keywords_comparei,
        product : '',
        c : categories,
        b : brands,
        checked_id : checked_string,
        dont_change_price : dont_change_price,
        min : minPrice,
        max : maxPrice,
        product_category : product_category
    success : function (data) {
        // Do stuff here

    url : bracket_file_url,
    data : {
        ajaxsearch : '1',
        s : 'compare',
        ki : keywords_comparei,
        product : '',
        c : categories,
        b : brands,
        checked_id : checked_string,
        min : minPrice,
        max : maxPrice,
        product_category : product_category
    success : function (bracket_data) {
        // DO stuff here

if (!jQuery('#dont_change_price').is(':checked')) {

    url : price_file_url,
    data : {
        ajaxsearch : '1',
        s : 'compare',
        ki : keywords_comparei,
        product : '',
        c : categories,
        b : brands,
        checked_id : checked_string,
        min : minPrice,
        max : maxPrice,
        product_category : product_category


    success : function (price_data) {

        // DO stuff here




What I am trying to do is to do synchronous request for each ajax request and instead of using success functions I am using ajax request separately. Due to synchronous nature each request will be processed one after another.

Inspecting your code in chrome console I've seen ajax loader for very little moment get hided immediately.

here is reference problem same like yours

Force UI repaint in Webkit (Safari & Chrome) right before Synchronous "Ajax" request

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Zahid Riaz
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  • One more question with same when I am clicking on next and prev it is not showing loader while I am triggering the same event. – Bhuvnesh Gupta Jul 18 '13 at 05:27