I'm trying to sort files by modification date using PHP.

I'm using filemtime function then sort function using the following code:


$array2 = array();
$images = glob("*.*");
foreach($images as $image) {
echo "Last modified: ".date("F d Y H:i:s.",filemtime($image));
echo "<br>";

array_push($array2,date("F d Y H:i:s.",filemtime($image)));
//echo array2;
echo "<br>";

foreach ($array2 as $ar)
    echo $ar;
    echo "<br>";

//$array2[$image] = date("F d Y H:i:s.",filemtime($image));


and the output is like this

Last modified: June 21 2013 15:48:42.
Last modified: June 12 2013 14:43:10.
Last modified: April 09 2013 15:39:13.
Last modified: June 12 2013 14:00:14.
Last modified: June 21 2013 16:08:58.
Last modified: July 15 2013 12:44:28.
Last modified: July 15 2013 12:48:48.
Last modified: July 15 2013 14:42:19.
Last modified: July 15 2013 14:54:48.
Last modified: April 09 2013 15:39:13.
Last modified: June 21 2013 15:34:30.
Last modified: June 21 2013 15:56:32.

April 09 2013 15:39:13.
April 09 2013 15:39:13.
July 15 2013 12:44:28.
July 15 2013 12:48:48.
July 15 2013 14:42:19.
July 15 2013 14:54:48.
June 12 2013 14:00:14.
June 12 2013 14:43:10.
June 21 2013 15:34:30.
June 21 2013 15:48:42.
June 21 2013 15:56:32.
June 21 2013 16:08:58.

here you can see July is between April and June

can anyone please guide me to the problem ?

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1 Answers1


The problem is that you are sorting the human-readable representations of the dates, so obviously April comes first (it starts with A).

What you need to do is something like

foreach($images as $image) {
    array_push($array2, filemtime($image));


// and now, AFTER sorting get the formatted dates 
foreach ($array2 as $ts)
    echo date("F d Y H:i:s.", $ts);

Some tips:

  1. You can get the last modified times for your files in just one line with

    $array2 = array_map('filemtime', $images);
  2. date depends on the system timezone. Make sure you have set it properly with date_default_timezone_set before doing anything.

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  • Thank you! This solved my problem but what if I want to display the sorted dates every date besides it's related file name ? – Fayed Jul 15 '13 at 12:20
  • @Fayed: You can either use `array_multisort` for sorting to automatically rearrange `$images` to follow `$array2`, or (and perhaps better) you can make a multidimensional array where each element is an array like `[name, filemtime]` and [sort that one instead](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/96759/how-do-i-sort-a-multidimensional-array-in-php/16788610#16788610). The second option is pretty basic stuff, you should read some tutorials on arrays if you have any trouble. – Jon Jul 15 '13 at 12:23