im just moving from c# -> java. I need to write some tests using junit. In my test i need to compare two strings to see if they match. So we also have the Assert.assertEquals, but this is case sensitive. How can i make it case insensitive? What i need is:


to return true.

So in C#, we used to have :

public static void AreEqual (
    string expected,
    string actual,
    bool ignoreCase,
    string message

I was quickly going thru Junit docs, but i can't seem to find anything like this.

Erki M.
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8 Answers8


I find that Hamcrest provides must better assertions than the default JUnit asserts. Hamcrest gives MANY MANY more options and provides better messages on failure. Some basic Hamcrest matchers are built into JUnit and JUnit has the assertThat built in so this is not something totally new. See the hamcrest.core package in the JUnit API here. Try IsEqualIgnoringCase which would look like this.

assertThat(myString, IsEqualIgnoringCase.equalToIgnoringCase(expected));

With static imports this would be

assertThat(myString, equalToIgnoringCase(expected));

if you want to get really fancy you would do:

assertThat(myString, is(equalToIgnoringCase(expected)));

One of the advantages of this is that a failure would state that expected someString but was someOtherString. As opposed to expected true got false when using assertTrue.

John B
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  • Sry, i am very new to java, any clue why i am getting this? Seems to be correct import.. 1) AddNewTrip(PikoFuncTests.Tests.Trip.AddNewTripTest) java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.hamcrest.Matcher.describeMismatch(Ljava/lang/Object;Lorg/hamcrest/Description;)V at org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat(MatcherAssert.java:18) at org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat(MatcherAssert.java:8) at PikoFuncTests.PageObjects.MainView.Trip.TripMainView.ValidateResultsTable(TripMainView.java:147) – Erki M. Jul 15 '13 at 11:33
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    This usually happens when you have imported 2 different versions of Hamcrest. There is one that is included in JUnit so if you included hamcrest-all to get the functionality there might be a delta. Try using junit-dep instead of junit. The -dep version does not come with Hamcrest so your Hamcrest import will be the only one. – John B Jul 15 '13 at 11:38
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    Here is a post that describes the issue: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7869711/getting-nosuchmethoderror-org-hamcrest-matcher-describemismatch-when-running – John B Jul 15 '13 at 11:39


"blabla".equalsIgnoreCase("BlabLA") use for check equality ignore case

Then you can use

Ruchira Gayan Ranaweera
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There is no direct support for this assert in JUnit (assuming you are using JUnit of course), but you could use:


It may be worth wrapping this in a separate helper method which provides a sensible failure message if they don't match (look at the docs for assertTrue to see how this could be done).

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  • No worries - though check out @JohnB answer I think this will give better results (i.e. better output if the test fails) as well as being arguably more readable. – robjohncox Jul 15 '13 at 10:39

What about:




Then you can still see the difference if they are not equal.

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Have you looked at the String JavaDoc ?

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You can use assertTrue(s1.equalsIgnoreCase(s2))

Alberto Zaccagni
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Consider AssertJ (previously FEST) for your assertions, it's been my favorite assertion API for tests for years:

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Check the equalsIgnoreCase from the string doc: