i create a login page. when user submit "username" and "password" if the username and password was true the page redirect with header("location:home_page.php"); this code work in firefox but in ie8 doesn't work. i search and understand that ie has problem with session(that sent with another page, like iframe and popup) finally i found a solution that told me set a header for privacy policy (p3p). and i set this header but my problem not solve. please help me.

i use echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location.href="home_page.php";</script>'; but the problem not solved

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reza darroodi
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1 Answers1


Some time I can not discover why header errors appear then i use javascript header instead php like:

echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location.href="redirectpage";</script>';

You can use html meta tag too with php for redirection.

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