I have problem with my ajax-search. When I adding to my model some data, I go to my Index view, where I use my ajax-search. And then I erase text from input and submit form, Index view did not show added data. How to fix that??

It's my SearchController

 public ActionResult Index(string searhcString)
        var competitions = from s in db.Competitions
                           select s;
        competitions =competitions.Where(s => s.CompName.ToUpper().Contains(searhcString.ToUpper())
                                       || s.CompName.ToUpper().Contains(searhcString.ToUpper()));

        return View(competitions);

Index View

  @using (Ajax.BeginForm("AjaxSearch", "Competitions",
                      new AjaxOptions
                          HttpMethod = "GET",
                          InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
                          UpdateTargetId = "ajaxTable"

                <input type="text" name="q" />

            <button type="submit"><img height="10" src="@Url.Content("~/Images/findBtn.png")" /></button>
As Lk
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1 Answers1


In internet Explorer ajaxs calls are cached by default... may be this is your case.

You can disable this globally this way:

$.ajaxSetup ({
    // Disable caching of AJAX responses
    cache: false

Or you can disable it just in this case adding cache: false in your AjaxOptions

Behind scene, this will append a timestamp to each call making it different from previous and that way preventing caching.

If this solves your issue, your could do something similar but sending a checksum of the value of your fields (instead of a timestamp)... this way, the post is only done when the filter/search options indeed changed.

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