maybe someone can help me... I have a list (containing also cyrillic letters) like this (channels.txt):

#EXTINF:-1,5 канал Россия
#EXTINF:-2,Disney Channel
#EXTINF:-1,49 Канал

The line begining with #EXTINF: gives the name of a TV channel. Channels are:

  • 5 канал Россия
  • ТВ3
  • ТНТ
  • Disney Channel
  • 49 Канал

The next line is the link to that channel.

Which command or batch script could create a txt file for each channel of the list and put inside the corresponding link? For this example:

  • 5 канал Россия.txt -->
  • ТВ3.txt -->
  • ТНТ.txt --> rtmp://
  • Disney Channel.txt --> mms://
  • 49 Канал.txt -->

I would really appreciate any help! Many thanks!

Dany Bee
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Ron Damon
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1 Answers1


try this:

FOR /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%a IN ('chcp') DO SET /a CurrentCodePage=%%a 2>nul
CHCP 1251 >nul
FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=," %%a IN ('type file.txt') DO (
    SET "link=%%a"
    SET "channel=%%b"
    IF DEFINED channel (SET "fname=!channel!"
    ) ELSE (ECHO !link!)>"!fname!.txt"
CHCP %currentCodePage% >nul

dir output is with code page 850:

06/29/2013  08:38 AM                48 49 ?????.txt
06/29/2013  08:38 AM                47 5 ????? ??????.txt
06/29/2013  08:38 AM                46 Disney Channel.txt
06/29/2013  08:38 AM                47 ??3.txt
06/29/2013  08:38 AM                47 ???.txt

dir output is with code page 1251:

06/29/2013  08:38 AM                48 49 Канал.txt
06/29/2013  08:38 AM                47 5 канал Россия.txt
06/29/2013  08:38 AM                46 Disney Channel.txt
06/29/2013  08:38 AM                47 ТВ3.txt
06/29/2013  08:38 AM                47 ТНТ.txt

For more information about cmd and code pages click here.

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    +1. I think your code would be clearer if you exchange the `line1` and `line2` variable names or, better yet, rename `line1` to `link` (that appear in second line) and `line2` to `channel` (that appear in first line)... ;-) – Aacini Jun 29 '13 at 13:50
  • @Aacini thanks for the tips. I did not think I get this to run :-) – Endoro Jun 29 '13 at 14:18
  • Endoro, you are the greatest! Many thanks. It's working perfectly! I had some problems with the code page at the begining, but it was because my text file was UTF-8. – Ron Damon Jun 30 '13 at 19:52