
I am writing a PHP plugin, which builds a multidimensional array, in the format below, so that it can be passed back to the template system and parsed as tags.

I am fetching the information from a database:

$SQL = SELECT `id`, `name`, `description` FROM (`events`) WHERE `event_category_id` = '1' AND `active` = 1 ORDER BY `name` asc

This is the array structure required:

   Array ( 
[A] => Array ( 
    [0] => Array(
        [event_id] => 1
        [event_name] => A - this event name starts with the letter A 
        [event_description] => Example Description) 
    [1] => Array(
        [event_id] => 6
        [event_name] => AB - this event ALSO starts with the letter A 
        [event_description] => Example Description)
[B] => Array ( 
    [0] => Array(
        [event_id] => 3
        [event_name] => BA - Event name starts with letter B
        [event_description] => Example Description) 
    [1] => Array(
        [event_id] => 5
        [event_name] => BB - Event name starts with letter B
        [event_description] => Example Description)

Could someone point me in the right direction, so that from the returned data, it splits the events into the appropriate keys (alphabetical key), sored alpha by the event_name.

The end result is to have this

A - Ambulance Training - Apple Bobbing B - Badminton - Bowling

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3 Answers3


try this, it is tested

$my_record = array();
$i = 0;
foreach($row as $record){
    $str = $record['name'];
    $ind = strtoupper(str[0]);

    $my_record[$ind][$i]['event_id'] = $record['id'];
    $my_record[$ind][$i]['event_name'] = $record['name'];
    $my_record[$ind][$i]['event_description'] = $record['description'];


$my_record = array();
foreach($row as $record){
    $str = $record['name'];
    $ind = strtoupper(str[0]);

    $my_record[$ind][] = array('event_id'=>$record['id'],'event_name'=>$record['name'],'event_description'=>$record['description']);

//check the new array by this 
echo "<pre>"; print_r($my_record);
Deepak Mallah
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I'd do something like this:

$my_result_array = array();

$result = mysql_query($my_query);
while(list($id, $name, $description) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $first_letter = strtoupper(substr($name, 0, 1));
    $my_result_array[$first_letter][] = array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'description' => $description);
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$array = array()
foreach ($DBResults as $value) {
    $key = strtoupper(substr($value['name'],0,1));
    if (!array_key_exists($key,$array)) {
        $array[$key] = array();
    $array[$key][] = array(
        'event_id' => $value['id'],
        'event_name' => $value['name'],
        'event_description' => $value['description'],
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