How do I run a python script from within the IDLE interactive shell?

The following throws an error:

>>> python helloworld.py
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
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15 Answers15




If your file not in the same dir:


See https://stackoverflow.com/a/437857/739577 for passing global/local variables.

In deprecated Python versions

Python2 Built-in function: execfile


It normally cannot be called with arguments. But here's a workaround:

import sys
sys.argv = ['helloworld.py', 'arg']  # argv[0] should still be the script name

Deprecated since 2.6: popen

import os
os.popen('python helloworld.py') # Just run the program
os.popen('python helloworld.py').read() # Also gets you the stdout

With arguments:

os.popen('python helloworld.py arg').read()

Advance usage: subprocess

import subprocess
subprocess.call(['python', 'helloworld.py']) # Just run the program
subprocess.check_output(['python', 'helloworld.py']) # Also gets you the stdout

With arguments:

subprocess.call(['python', 'helloworld.py', 'arg'])

Read the docs for details :-)

Tested with this basic helloworld.py:

import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
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Hugues Fontenelle
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You can use this in python3:

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The IDLE shell window is not the same as a terminal shell (e.g. running sh or bash). Rather, it is just like being in the Python interactive interpreter (python -i). The easiest way to run a script in IDLE is to use the Open command from the File menu (this may vary a bit depending on which platform you are running) to load your script file into an IDLE editor window and then use the Run -> Run Module command (shortcut F5).

Ned Deily
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    But you can't pass in arguments. :( – Erica Kane Mar 07 '15 at 02:47
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    Unfortunately, no, it's not easy to run a Python file in IDLE while passing in command line arguments. There is a long-standing open issue for IDLE to do so (http://bugs.python.org/issue5680). One workaround for testing is to manually initialize `sys.argv` at the very beginning of the program, for example, under the usual `if __name__ == "__main__"` boilerplate. – Ned Deily Mar 07 '15 at 04:03
  • This answer clarifies why we can not run python script using IDLE shell. Thanks @NedDeily – arsho Apr 08 '16 at 08:34
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    As of IDLE 3.7.4, you can now run a module with arguments. Use the new `Run` -> `Run with Customized...` command (shortcut Shift+F5) and a popup will open where you can supply your arguments. Unfortunately it doesn't remember them currently so you'll be pasting them with every run. – Dan Nolan Aug 30 '19 at 00:31

Try this

import os
import subprocess

DIR = os.path.join('C:\\', 'Users', 'Sergey', 'Desktop', 'helloword.py')

subprocess.call(['python', DIR])
Sergey Nosov
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python -i helloworld.py  #Python 2

python3 -i helloworld.py #Python 3
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execFile('helloworld.py') does the job for me. A thing to note is to enter the complete directory name of the .py file if it isnt in the Python folder itself (atleast this is the case on Windows)

For example, execFile('C:/helloworld.py')

Roger Fan
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For example:

import subprocess


subprocess.call(["python", "-h"])
Sergey Nosov
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    `subprocess.call(r'c:\path\to\something.py')` does not work for me. OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application – Terry Jan Reedy Mar 14 '15 at 01:08
  • Try this import os import subprocess DIR = os.path.join('C:\\', 'Users', 'Sergey', 'Desktop', 'a.py') subprocess.call(['python', DIR]) – Sergey Nosov Mar 14 '15 at 17:22

In Python 3, there is no execFile. One can use exec built-in function, for instance:

import helloworld
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In IDLE, the following works :-

import helloworld

I don't know much about why it works, but it does..

  • what you are doing is loading a module not running from shell. one difference between two is: 1) Loading module your module name __name__= name of file 2) run from shell module name __name__="__main__" – tanweer alam Oct 17 '16 at 06:53
  • It is not a good way to run programs because you are actually importing and not running it. Its contents will be imported and it will be meaningless if you don't want to utilise them. – Abhijeet.py May 16 '20 at 10:53

To run a python script in a python shell such as Idle or in a Django shell you can do the following using the exec() function. Exec() executes a code object argument. A code object in Python is simply compiled Python code. So you must first compile your script file and then execute it using exec(). From your shell:

>>>file_to_compile = open('/path/to/your/file.py').read()
>>>code_object = compile(file_to_compile, '<string>', 'exec')

I'm using Python 3.4. See the compile and exec docs for detailed info.

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I tested this and it kinda works out :

exec(open('filename').read())  # Don't forget to put the filename between ' '
Remache Amine
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you can do it by two ways

  • import file_name

  • exec(open('file_name').read())

but make sure that file should be stored where your program is running

ujjal das
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In a python console, one can try the following 2 ways.

under the same work directory,

1. >> import helloworld

# if you have a variable x, you can print it in the IDLE.

>> helloworld.x

# if you have a function func, you can also call it like this.

>> helloworld.func()

2. >> runfile("./helloworld.py")


On Windows environment, you can execute py file on Python3 shell command line with the following syntax:

exec(open('absolute path to file_name').read())

Below explains how to execute a simple helloworld.py file from python shell command line

File Location: C:/Users/testuser/testfolder/helloworld.py

File Content: print("hello world")

We can execute this file on Python3.7 Shell as below:

>>> import os
>>> abs_path = 'C://Users/testuser/testfolder'
>>> os.chdir(abs_path)
>>> os.getcwd()

>>> exec(open("helloworld.py").read())
hello world

>>> exec(open("C:\\Users\\testuser\\testfolder\\helloworld.py").read())
hello world

>>> os.path.abspath("helloworld.py")
>>> import helloworld
hello world
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  • importing a program to run it is not a good option. Even I used it in beginning but now I know about potential problems like it takes away the effeciency of your program because you are importing it (though negligible). – Abhijeet.py May 16 '20 at 10:50

There is one more alternative (for windows) -

    import os
    os.system('py "<path of program with extension>"')
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