I have this code for my school project and thought the code does its job on what i wanted it to do, i still keep on getting the error about $_SESSION[] is not an array argument when using the array_replace() and array_merge() functions:

Session is already initiated on the header:

 // Start Session

For initialising the $_SESSION['cart'] as an array:

// Parent array of all items, initialized if not already...
if (!isset($_SESSION['cart'])) {
    $_SESSION['cart'] = array();

For adding products from a dropdown menu: - (Just to see how the session is assigned:)

if (isset($_POST['new_item'])) { // If user submitted a product
 $name = $_POST['products']; // product value is set to $name

// Validate adding products:
if ($name == 'Select a product') { // Check if default - No product selected
    $order_error =  '<div class="center"><label class="error">Please select a product</label></div>';
} elseif (in_array_find($name, $_SESSION['cart']) == true) { // Check if product is already in cart:
    $order_error = '<div class="center"><label class="error">This item has already been added!</label></div>';
} else {
    // Put values into session:
    // Default quantity = 1:
    $_SESSION['cart'][$name] = array('quantity' => 1);

Then here is where the issue comes, when they try to update the product:

// for updating product quantity:
if(isset($_POST['update'])) {
// identify which product to update:
$to_update = $_POST['hidden'];
// check if product array exist:
if (in_array_find($to_update, $_SESSION['cart'])) {
    // Replace/Update the values:
    // ['cart'] is the session name
    // ['$to_update'] is the name of the product
    // [0] represesents quantity
    $base = $_SESSION['cart'][$to_update]['quantity'] ;
    $replacement = $_SESSION['cart'][$to_update] = array('quantity' => $_POST['option']);
    array_replace($base, $replacement);
    // Alternatively use array merge for php < 5.3
    // array_merge($replacement, $base);

Note that both the functions array_replace() and array_merge() are updating the values and doing what the initial goal was, but the problem is that i still keep on getting that one argument($base) is not an array issue.

Warning: array_replace() [function.array-replace]: Argument #1 is not an array in ...

any suggestions for a better way to approach this issue would be a valuable help :) Thanks for your help :)

Edit: The in_array_find() is a function that i use in replacement of in_array() as it doesn't apply to finding values in a multi-dimensional array: specifically 2 depth arrays:

found it from here and it works for me

The code for it is:

// Function for searching values inside a multi array:
function in_array_find($needle, $haystack, $strict = false) {
foreach ($haystack as $item => $arr) {
    if (($strict ? $item === $needle : $item == $needle) || (is_array($item) && in_array_r($needle, $item, $strict))) {
        return true;

return false;
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  • I'm not familiar with `in_array_find()`. Is that your own function or did you mean `in_array()`? – showdev Apr 26 '13 at 21:25
  • Thanks. @showdev I have added the code for that function :) , i am using it in replacement of the `in_array()` for multi-dimensional arrays. – GitKidd Apr 26 '13 at 21:30
  • Gotcha, thanks. What do you get if you `echo"
    ";` before the error?
    – showdev Apr 26 '13 at 21:31
  • First i get this when there is no submission yet `[cart] => Array()` = for cart and when i update the value i get this `( [quantity] => 1 )))` = where the error comes out. - It does update the cart and replace the value , but theres also the said error coming with it thought the cart has been updated – GitKidd Apr 26 '13 at 21:38
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    Are you doing `session_start()` at the top of your page? – showdev Apr 26 '13 at 21:38
  • Thanks. Yep, its initialised in the header and included in every page. – GitKidd Apr 26 '13 at 21:39
  • Maybe it should be `$_SESSION['cart'][$to_update]['quantity']` instead of `$_SESSION['cart'][$to_update][0]`? – showdev Apr 26 '13 at 21:49
  • @showdev .. thanks, i tried it but still give the same error.. – GitKidd Apr 26 '13 at 21:53

3 Answers3


array_replace returns the replaced array. So you need to do:

$base=array_replace($base, $replacement);

Also, I suggest using named keys consistently throughout, as opposed to mixing named and numeric:

$base = $_SESSION['cart'][$to_update]['quantity'];


This may not be exactly what you're going for...

I set up a test situation without using $_SESSION, and I got the same error you did. I changed the code as follows and no longer get the error.



//$base = $sesh['cart'][$to_update]['quantity']; <--- changed this to line below
$base = $sesh['cart'][$to_update];

$replacement = $sesh['cart'][$to_update] = array('quantity' => $new_quantity);
$base=array_replace($base, $replacement);


PHP FIDDLE: http://phpfiddle.org/main/code/mvr-shr

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  • Thank you, yup i have updated my code to an associative value as i only used the[0] when i was debugging a diff issue earlier and forgot to change it. hehe. :) btw, i have tried the `$base=array_replace($base, $replacement);` but still gives me the same error. – GitKidd Apr 26 '13 at 22:11
  • @GitKidd I have updated my answer with a test scenario. I got the same error you did and was able to get rid of it. The code is changed a bit so as not to use $_SESSION, but I'm sure you can apply the concept to your own code. – showdev Apr 26 '13 at 22:45
  • Thanks, i have tried a more bit by bit analysis and i managed to solve the problem. hehe. kindly have a look at the answer , hope it provides help for future reference too. :) – GitKidd Apr 26 '13 at 22:59
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    Your answer seems the same as my edit. Anyway, I'm glad you got it working! – showdev Apr 26 '13 at 23:03
  • +1 for all the help.. your a real star! :) hope i can run to u again if ever i get any future problems.. hehe! :) cheers showdev! ur a genius. – GitKidd Apr 26 '13 at 23:05

This have solved this issue:

Basically as per the structure: (Lets slice it into bits)

$_SESSION['cart'] = array();


$_SESSION['cart'][$name] = array('quantity' => 1);


$base = $_SESSION['cart'][$to_update]['quantity'] ;
$replacement = $_SESSION['cart'][$to_update] = array('quantity' => $_POST['option']);
array_replace($base, $replacement);

The reason why it says that the argument $base is not an array is because:

['quantity'] in $base is not an array as it forms the 'quantity' => 1 what we need is the array() value from the array('quantity' => 1); for it to be identified as an array.

So final answer should be: $base = $_SESSION['cart'][$to_update]; as there is only one array() recorded in where the $to_update resides so the replacement argument shall replace this identified array.

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  • How is this different from my edited answer? +1 Good explanation of what was going wrong, though. – showdev Apr 26 '13 at 23:04
  • Sorry, just realised as i went to eat dinner then while eating realised this situation, then i tried answering it just after my local test and didn't notice the answer that you edited your answer as i started writing the answer as soon as i got back :) , im giving u the answer point as you've been really helping me from the start. :) – GitKidd Apr 26 '13 at 23:09

$_SESSION only exists when a Session starts. In order to do that you need to add on top of all your code session_start() otherwise the session will not start, unless you define it on php directives.

Daniel Gomes
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  • I have already have the `session_start()` first thing in my page as there are other sessions that are used in other pages (eg: login / admin) = u can only access this specific page if you are logged in, so u are redirected to a different page if your session is false according to your login credentials. also if i `var_dump ($_SESSION)` it shows me all the current sessions. – GitKidd Apr 26 '13 at 21:56
  • try this and see the output, this way you can understand the data. `if(is_array($base)){ $base=array_replace($base, $replacement); } else { var_dump($base); //or echo the value }` – Daniel Gomes Apr 26 '13 at 22:58