I am pretty newe to linux and even though I need something simple I dont know where to start. In a bash script I need to parse the value from a HTML page between the string "VOL. " and "," and pass it to a variable.

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2 Answers2

newvar=$(grep -oP 'VOL\.\K.*?(?=,)' file.txt)
echo "$newvar"

or from a string :

newvar=$(grep -oP 'VOL\.\K.*?(?=,)' <<< "$string")
echo "$newvar"

if you need something more portable :

newvar=$(perl -lne '/VOL\.\K.*?(?=,)/ && print $&' <<< "$string")
echo "$newvar"

Explanations of the Regex

  • VOL\. = literal VOL. : the . = any character in regex without backslash
  • \K = restart the match to zero, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/13543042/465183
  • .*? = any character, 0 to N occurrences but non-greedy with ? char
  • (?=,) = it's a positive look-ahead assertion to look up the , char
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Gilles Quenot
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This can be done using bash's built-in regex matching:

if [[ "$var" =~ "VOL. "([^,]*)"," ]]; then
Gordon Davisson
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