I want to match a regex like /(a).(b)(c.)d/ with "aabccde", and get the following information back:

"a" at index = 0
"b" at index = 2
"cc" at index = 3

How can I do this? String.match returns list of matches and index of the start of the complete match, not index of every capture.

Edit: A test case which wouldn't work with plain indexOf

regex: /(a).(.)/
string: "aaa"
expected result: "a" at 0, "a" at 2

Note: The question is similar to Javascript Regex: How to find index of each subexpression?, but I cannot modify the regex to make every subexpression a capturing group.

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  • All of your subexpressions are already within capturing groups. – Asad Saeeduddin Apr 10 '13 at 19:11
  • @Asad, where? 2 letters are not within capturing groups. – user1527166 Apr 10 '13 at 19:12
  • If you use global matching, you can get repetitive cases of the captured groups. In that case you need to use the callback function, like shown in the link your have in your question. –  Apr 10 '13 at 19:13
  • @canon please check my edit for a simple test case which won't work with that. – user1527166 Apr 10 '13 at 19:16
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    There doesn't seem to be any function that returns this information. However, I rarely see any usage for getting the index of the match, maybe except for the case where you want to write a regex tester. – nhahtdh Apr 10 '13 at 20:03
  • @nhahtdh, for now, I want to wrap captures within html tags (specific to the matched string), like with string "1 + 2" and regex "(\d+)\s*(\+)\s*(\d+)", wrap numbers in "", and plus with "". Is there a better way, without modifying the regex? – user1527166 Apr 15 '13 at 14:07
  • @user1527166: If you are doing replacement, I think it is possible. You probably should ask a new question for that, though. – nhahtdh Apr 15 '13 at 22:06
  • @Artur The old answer here showing how to use MultiRegExp2 looks to do what you want (including nested capture groups), did you try it / are you having problems with it? I'm not entirely understanding the purpose of the bounty – CertainPerformance Aug 24 '19 at 22:11
  • Well, if you looked in the [source](https://github.com/valoricDe/MultiRegExp2/blob/2a524445e85b6b43334e96d37b90cdb41ff396ef/src/multiRegExp2.js#L48) you could notice that MultiRegExp2 is parsing the regex string. I have really big doubts about reliability of such approach. – Klesun Aug 26 '19 at 08:18

7 Answers7


There is currently a proposal (stage 3) to implement this in native Javascript:

RegExp Match Indices for ECMAScript

ECMAScript RegExp Match Indicies provide additional information about the start and end indices of captured substrings relative to the start of the input string.

...We propose the adoption of an additional indices property on the array result (the substrings array) of RegExp.prototype.exec(). This property would itself be an indices array containing a pair of start and end indices for each captured substring. Any unmatched capture groups would be undefined, similar to their corresponding element in the substrings array. In addition, the indices array would itself have a groups property containing the start and end indices for each named capture group.

Here's an example of how things would work:

const re1 = /a+(?<Z>z)?/d;

// indices are relative to start of the input string:
const s1 = "xaaaz";
const m1 = re1.exec(s1);
m1.indices[0][0] === 1;
m1.indices[0][1] === 5;
s1.slice(...m1.indices[0]) === "aaaz";

m1.indices[1][0] === 4;
m1.indices[1][1] === 5;
s1.slice(...m1.indices[1]) === "z";

m1.indices.groups["Z"][0] === 4;
m1.indices.groups["Z"][1] === 5;
s1.slice(...m1.indices.groups["Z"]) === "z";

// capture groups that are not matched return `undefined`:
const m2 = re1.exec("xaaay");
m2.indices[1] === undefined;
m2.indices.groups["Z"] === undefined;

So, for the code in the question, we could do:

const re = /(a).(b)(c.)d/d;
const str = 'aabccde';
const result = re.exec(str);
// indicies[0], like result[0], describes the indicies of the full match
const matchStart = result.indicies[0][0];
result.forEach((matchedStr, i) => {
  const [startIndex, endIndex] = result.indicies[i];
  console.log(`${matchedStr} from index ${startIndex} to ${endIndex} in the original string`);
  console.log(`From index ${startIndex - matchStart} to ${endIndex - matchStart} relative to the match start\n-----`);


aabccd from index 0 to 6 in the original string
From index 0 to 6 relative to the match start
a from index 0 to 1 in the original string
From index 0 to 1 relative to the match start
b from index 2 to 3 in the original string
From index 2 to 3 relative to the match start
cc from index 4 to 6 in the original string
From index 4 to 6 relative to the match start

Keep in mind that the indicies array contains the indicies of the matched groups relative to the start of the string, not relative to the start of the match.

The proposal is currently at stage 3, which indicates that the specification text is complete and everyone in TC39 who needs to approve it has done so - all that remains is for environments to start shipping it so that final tests can be done, and then it will be put into the official standard.

A polyfill is available here.

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I wrote MultiRegExp for this a while ago. As long as you don't have nested capture groups, it should do the trick. It works by inserting capture groups between those in your RegExp and using all the intermediate groups to calculate the requested group positions.

var exp = new MultiRegExp(/(a).(b)(c.)d/);

should return

{0: {index:0, text:'a'}, 1: {index:2, text:'b'}, 2: {index:3, text:'cc'}}

Live Version

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  • Your object looks good! Though the live version gave `error` when I tried a regex of `(ba)+.(a*)` with text `babaaaaa`. – Steve Eynon Aug 24 '15 at 15:41
  • nice catch! This is the intended behavior but I need to update the error message. We need to have capture groups covering the whole output so repetitions on capture groups (which only return one of the matches) is not allowed. A quick fix is to add a sub group and change the regexp to /((?:ba)+).(a*)/. I have updated the readme on my git repo to describe this behavior. – Delus Aug 31 '15 at 21:47

I created a little regexp Parser which is also able to parse nested groups like a charm. It's small but huge. No really. Like Donalds hands. I would be really happy if someone could test it, so it will be battle tested. It can be found at: https://github.com/valorize/MultiRegExp2


let regex = /a(?: )bc(def(ghi)xyz)/g;
let regex2 = new MultiRegExp2(regex);

let matches = regex2.execForAllGroups('ababa bcdefghixyzXXXX'));

Will output:
[ { match: 'defghixyz', start: 8, end: 17 },
  { match: 'ghi', start: 11, end: 14 } ]
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So, you have a text and a regular expression:

txt = "aabccde";
re = /(a).(b)(c.)d/;

The first step is to get the list of all substrings that match the regular expression:

subs = re.exec(txt);

Then, you can do a simple search on the text for each substring. You will have to keep in a variable the position of the last substring. I've named this variable cursor.

var cursor = subs.index;
for (var i = 1; i < subs.length; i++){
    sub = subs[i];
    index = txt.indexOf(sub, cursor);
    cursor = index + sub.length;

    console.log(sub + ' at index ' + index);

EDIT: Thanks to @nhahtdh, I've improved the mechanism and made a complete function:

String.prototype.matchIndex = function(re){
    var res  = [];
    var subs = this.match(re);

    for (var cursor = subs.index, l = subs.length, i = 1; i < l; i++){
        var index = cursor;

        if (i+1 !== l && subs[i] !== subs[i+1]) {
            nextIndex = this.indexOf(subs[i+1], cursor);
            while (true) {
                currentIndex = this.indexOf(subs[i], index);
                if (currentIndex !== -1 && currentIndex <= nextIndex)
                    index = currentIndex + 1;
        } else {
            index = this.indexOf(subs[i], cursor);
        cursor = index + subs[i].length;

        res.push([subs[i], index]);
    return res;

// [ [ 'a', 1 ], [ 'b', 2 ], [ 'cc', 3 ] ]

// [ [ 'a', 0 ], [ 'a', 1 ] ] <-- problem here

// [ [ 'ba', 4 ], [ 'aaa', 6 ] ]
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    This is definitely not the solution for general case. e.g. `text = "babaaaaa"` and `re = /(ba)+.(a*)/` – nhahtdh Apr 15 '13 at 00:04
  • With your example I get, `ba at index 0 aaa at index 3`. What is the expected result? – mquandalle Apr 15 '13 at 00:12
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    `ba` should be at index 2, and `aaa` should be at index 5. `baba` will be matched by `(ba)+`, but since the captured part is repeated, only the last instance is captured, and therefore index 2 (it doesn't really matter in this case, but it matters when input is `"bbbaba"` and regex is `/(b+a)+/`). `aaa` is at index 5, because `babaa` is matched by `(ba)+.` and the rest `aaa` are matched by `(a*)`. – nhahtdh Apr 15 '13 at 00:43
  • `re = /((ba))+.(a*)/` it works when the regex capture `ba` twice. – mquandalle Apr 15 '13 at 00:57
  • The point is not modifying the regex to make your solution looks good. The point is make your solution consistent with what the engine actually does inside. It is pretty clear that your solution may or may not work depending on the regex, so one more example doesn't amount to anything. – nhahtdh Apr 15 '13 at 00:58
  • I've editted my answer. The `if` statement is for the case you've noticed. – mquandalle Apr 15 '13 at 01:57
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    It is still wrong. `aaa` should be at index 7 (for last test case). (I doubt there is a simple general solution without analyzing the regex). – nhahtdh Apr 15 '13 at 02:02
  • General suggestion: do not pollute system prototypes with your own code... – Lu4 Nov 18 '19 at 01:00

Based on the ecma regular expression syntax I've written a parser respective an extension of the RegExp class which solves besides this problem (full indexed exec method) as well other limitations of the JavaScript RegExp implementation for example: Group based search & replace. You can test and download the implementation here (is as well available as NPM module).

The implementation works as follows (small example):

//Retrieve content and position of: opening-, closing tags and body content for: non-nested html-tags.
var pattern = '(<([^ >]+)[^>]*>)([^<]*)(<\\/\\2>)';
var str = '<html><code class="html plain">first</code><div class="content">second</div></html>';
var regex = new Regex(pattern, 'g');
var result = regex.exec(str);

console.log(5 === result.length);
console.log('<code class="html plain">first</code>'=== result[0]);
console.log('<code class="html plain">'=== result[1]);
console.log('first'=== result[3]);
console.log('</code>'=== result[4]);
console.log(5=== result.index.length);
console.log(6=== result.index[0]);
console.log(6=== result.index[1]);
console.log(31=== result.index[3]);
console.log(36=== result.index[4]);

I tried as well the implementation from @velop but the implementation seems buggy for example it does not handle backreferences correctly e.g. "/a(?: )bc(def(\1ghi)xyz)/g" - when adding paranthesis in front then the backreference \1 needs to be incremented accordingly (which is not the case in his implementation).

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With RegExp.prototype.exec() and searching the properly indexes of the result:

let regex1 = /([a-z]+):([0-9]+)/g;
let str1 = 'hello:123';
let array1;
let resultArray = []

while ((array1 = regex1.exec(str1)) !== null) {
  const quantityFound = (Object.keys(array1).length - 3); // 3 default keys
  for (var i = 1; i<quantityFound; i++) { // start in 1 to avoid the complete found result 'hello:123'
    const found = array1[i];
    arraySingleResult = [found, str1.indexOf(found)];
console.log('result:', JSON.stringify(resultArray));
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  • Though this way you can't deal with cases when matched substring occurs more than once in the text. Like in searching index of `R` in `/(.{5})(R)/` `'CCRCCR'`. – Klesun Aug 23 '19 at 18:58

I'm not exactly sure exactly what your requirements are for your search, but here's how you could get the desired output in your first example using Regex.exec() and a while-loop.


var myRe = /^a|b|c./g;
var str = "aabccde";
var myArray;
while ((myArray = myRe.exec(str)) !== null)
  var msg = '"' + myArray[0] + '" ';
  msg += "at index = " + (myRe.lastIndex - myArray[0].length);


"a" at index = 0
"b" at index = 2
"cc" at index = 3

Using the lastIndex property, you can subtract the length of the currently matched string to obtain the starting index.

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  • This is a totally wrong approach. Take the input `"baaccde"` for example. It does not match OP's original regex, but your regex will match it. – nhahtdh Apr 15 '13 at 03:27
  • To be honest, the example is completely contrived. All it basically asks for is given the string: "aabccde", what are the the indices of the first "a", "b" and "cc"? This answer is merely to show a way to get the indices of the matches. You could easily check to make sure that the string matches before getting the indices, but I'll try improve my answer. – thgaskell Apr 15 '13 at 03:41
  • Take a look at OP's second test case. – nhahtdh Apr 15 '13 at 04:23