This is a grade 12 java HashTable assignment.

So my teacher gave me the template for doing this assignment, but it does not work :(. And he expects us to get the template to work and then do the assignment.

Here's what he gave us:

class MyHashTable<T>{
    private T[] vals;
    private int load;
    public MyHashTable(){
        load = 0;
        vals = new T[10];
    public MyHashTable(int size){
        load = 0;
        vals = new T[size];
    public void add(T obj){//don't care about negatives
        int size = vals.length;
            T[] tmp = new T[size];
            for(int i=0;i<size/10;i++){
                    add(vals[i], tmp);
            vals = tmp;
        add(obj, vals);
    public void add(T obj, T[]vals){
        int loc = Math.abs(obj.hashCode())%vals.length;
            loc = (loc+1)%vals.length;
        vals[loc] = obj;
    /*public boolean contains(T obj){

    } */

it gives an error: error: generic array creation

Can anyone tell me what does that mean? With examples hopefully.

cook cook
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3 Answers3


Due to the way that generics are implemented in Java, it is not possible to use generics such that type information is needed at runtime. See this.

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error: generic array creation

You can not create arrays from generic types.

See also What's the reason I can't create generic array types in Java?

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Andreas Fester
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As everybody said generic type is erased at runtime:

  • T becomes Object,
  • T extends SomeClass becomes SomeClass.

So you have at least two options

  1. You can use same pattern that was used in ArrayList<T> and store items in Object[] array rather then T[] array

    vals = (T[]) new Object[size];
  2. If you want to create array of real T type you would have to make user to pass instance of Class<T> object that will correspond T and use it like

    vals = (T[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(clazzT, size); 

where clazzT is Class<T> instance.

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