I am currently learning jQuery, and just started implementing "this" keyword. I understand what it does in jQuery, but does it have the same functionality in javascript, as a scope reference?

  • 10,860
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  • Possible duplicates: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3127429/javascript-this-keyword, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/133973/how-does-this-keyword-work-within-a-javascript-object-literal – levelnis Mar 29 '13 at 21:48
  • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/this – undefined Mar 29 '13 at 21:48

3 Answers3


this is not some jQuery magic, it is a JavaScript keyword.

Niet the Dark Absol
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Yes, this keyword in JavaScript still means the element in the current scope.

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Short explanation: this is the context of a function that can change depending on how that function is called. For example:

function myfunc() {

myfunc(); //=> [object Window] 
myfunc.call('Hello World'); //=> Hello World

When using prototypes, this refers to the current instance. In jQuery it works something like this (very simplified):

(function(win) {

  // Constructor
  function jQuery(selector) {


  // Shortcut to create news instances
  function $(selector) {
    return new jQuery(selector);

  // Public methods
  jQuery.prototype = {

    // All methods 'return this' to allow chaining
    // 'this' is the jQuery instance
    method: function() {
      return this;


  win.$ = $; // expose to user


So when you do this $(this) you're just creating a new jQuery instance of whatever this refers to (usually a DOM element) so you can inherit the prototype and use the public methods.

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