How do I, from a cell, get its indexPath in a UITableView?

I've searched around stack overflow and google, but all the information is on the other way around. Is there some way to access the superView/UITableView and then search for the cell?

More information about the context: there are two classes that I have, one is called Cue and one is called CueTableCell (which is a subclass of UITableViewCell) CueTableCell is the visual representation of Cue (both classes have pointers to each other). Cue objects are in a linked list and when the user performs a certain command, the visual representation (the CueTableCell) of the next Cue needs to be selected. So the Cue class calls the select method on the next Cue in the list, which retrieves the UITableView from the cell and calls its selectRowAtIndexPath:animated:scrollPosition:, for which it needs the indexPath of the UITableViewCell.

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    Just like your other [question](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15711645/how-to-get-uitableview-from-uitableviewcell) on getting the `UITableView` from a cell - why? This seems like a code smell of a bad design decision - there are not many legitimate use cases for a cell to know either it's indexPath or whether it is on the screen or not. – Paul.s Mar 29 '13 at 21:46
  • I agree with Paul.s's comment. You should indicate why you want to do this, because what you're trying to do is probably a bad idea. – rdelmar Mar 29 '13 at 21:53
  • @Paul.s I posted the design of my program in the question. It may be bad programming practice, in which case if you could suggest an alternative, that would be very helpful. I'm very new to cocoa and relatively new to programming in general. – sinθ Mar 29 '13 at 22:41
  • It's worth noting that **indexPathsForVisibleRows** exists - this is critical when you want to know "where you are" in a scroll. – Fattie Jul 29 '19 at 13:54

12 Answers12

NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.tableView indexPathForCell:cell];

It helps reading the UITableView documentation, even if this is by some regarded to be controversial (see comments below).

The cell has no business knowing what its index path is. The controller should contain any code that manipulates UI elements based on the data model or that modifies data based on UI interactions. (See MVC.)

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    It helps if you read the question. This is from a UITableViewCell, which does not have a tableView property (and by all accounts, should not). – voidref Apr 03 '13 at 08:52
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    @voidref It also helps thinking about the question;-). The cell has no business knowing what its index path is. So this code should be in the controller. For background on MVC, see [Cocoa Core Competencies](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/General/Conceptual/DevPedia-CocoaCore/MVC.html). – Mundi Apr 03 '13 at 11:17
  • Fair enough, but then your original response should have explained that. – shim Dec 17 '13 at 03:11
  • @shim I disagree. This dimension was not evident from the beginning. – Mundi Dec 18 '13 at 18:54
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    It doesn't matter if it was evident from the beginning the person needs the correct answer. – jdog Feb 20 '14 at 00:55
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    Doesn't answer the original question. There are times when a cell needs to know it's path. For example if you have implemented some form of swipe action on a subclassed cell, you might need to inform that parent view which cell is currently swiped. One way would be for a method in the parentView to loop through the tableView cells and check an iVar which had been set in the cell. A better way would be to get the cell to inform the parentView it's indexPath via a delegate method...and hence the cell needs to know it's indexPath. So Mundi, better to answer the question and then make your point. – wuf810 Apr 05 '14 at 08:51
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    Obviously yes MVC can be used by passing the cell back but if you pass the cell, why not pass the indexPath! – wuf810 Apr 05 '14 at 12:15
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    The index path is the "glue" between cells and data model, so it belongs into the controller. The long comment above is factually wrong. @wuf810 ...because the controller knows the relationship between cell and index path, the cell does not (and should not). – Mundi Jul 28 '14 at 21:09
  • Here's two other links that better answer the initial question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29913066/how-to-access-the-content-of-a-custom-cell-in-swift-using-button-tag http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4510071/uibutton-inside-subclassed-uitableviewcell-needs-to-call-method-of-parent – Mike Jul 26 '15 at 16:08
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    @Mike I think these two answers are off-topic. – Mundi Jul 26 '15 at 17:01
  • @Mundi Thanks for the feedback on my comment. – Mike Jul 26 '15 at 18:02
  • Chiming in on this conversation 5 years later. Technically Mundi is right, the cell should not know the index path. Unfortunately, `indexPathForCell` will return `nil` if the cell has not been displayed yet, so you *cannot* rely on that method. Example, if the cell calls the delegate method before the cell was returned from `cellForRowAt`, `indexPathForCell` will give you nil. So the cell needs to give you back the view model with which it was configured. But then, it might as well give you back and indexPath. – Lord Zsolt Jun 30 '20 at 22:57

Try with this from your UITableViewCell:

NSIndexPath *indexPath = [(UITableView *)self.superview indexPathForCell: self];

EDIT: Seems this doesn't work on iOS 8.1.2 and further. Thanks to Chris Prince for pointing it.

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    With iOS 8.1.2, the superview of a table view cell is of type UITableViewWrapperView. The superview of that is of type table view. But I think we're treading on dangerous ground here... – Chris Prince Jan 13 '15 at 01:50
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    It all goes back to the "The cell has no business knowing what its index path is." argument. Accessing superview is almost always a hack and it's not surprising that it doesn't work after a while. – fatuhoku Mar 29 '15 at 10:21
  • Totally right fatuhoku, it's not the matter of cell to know the index path – Yahya Alshaar Feb 12 '18 at 06:15

You can try this simple tip:

on your UITableViewCell Class :

@property NSInteger myCellIndex; //or add directly your indexPath 

and on your cellForRowAtIndexPath method :

[cell setMyCellIndex : indexPath.row]

now, you can retrieve your cell index anywhere

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To address those who say "this is a bad idea", in my case, my need for this is that I have a button on my UITableViewCell that, when pressed, is a segue to another view. Since this is not a selection on the cell itself, [self.tableView indexPathForSelectedRow] does not work.

This leaves me two options:

  1. Store the object that I need to pass into the view in the table cell itself. While this would work, it would defeat the point of me having an NSFetchedResultsController because I do not want to store all the objects in memory, especially if the table is long.
  2. Retrieve the item from the fetch controller using the index path. Yes, it seems ugly that I have to go figure out the NSIndexPath by a hack, but it's ultimately less expensive than storing objects in memory.

indexPathForCell: is the correct method to use, but here's how I would do it (this code is assumed to be implemented in a subclass of UITableViewCell:

// uses the indexPathForCell to return the indexPath for itself
- (NSIndexPath *)getIndexPath {
    return [[self getTableView] indexPathForCell:self];

// retrieve the table view from self   
- (UITableView *)getTableView {
    // get the superview of this class, note the camel-case V to differentiate
    // from the class' superview property.
    UIView *superView = self.superview;

      check to see that *superView != nil* (if it is then we've walked up the
      entire chain of views without finding a UITableView object) and whether
      the superView is a UITableView.
    while (superView && ![superView isKindOfClass:[UITableView class]]) {
        superView = superView.superview;

    // if superView != nil, then it means we found the UITableView that contains
    // the cell.
    if (superView) {
        // cast the object and return
        return (UITableView *)superView;

    // we did not find any UITableView
    return nil;

P.S. My real code does access all this from the table view, but I'm giving an example of why someone might want to do something like this in the table cell directly.

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  1. Put a weak tableView property in cell's .h file like:

    @property (weak,nonatomic)UITableView *tableView;

  2. Assign the property in cellForRowAtIndex method like:

    cell.tableView = tableView;

  3. Now wherever you need the indexPath of cell:

    NSIndexPath *indexPath = [cell.tableView indexPathForCell:cell];

Chanchal Raj
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  • This works because we are only storing a pointer to the tableView itself, however, is indexPathForCell reliable? I thought this only provides indexPath of visible cells no? – jcpennypincher May 11 '15 at 22:21

For swift

let indexPath :NSIndexPath? = (self.superview.superview as! UITableView)?.indexPathForCell(self)
Zumry Mohamed
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The answer to this question actually helped me a lot.

I used NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.tableView indexPathForCell:sender];

The sender in my case was a UITableViewCell and comes from the prepareForSegue method.

I used this because I did not have a TableViewControllerbut i had UITableView property outlet

I needed to find out the title of the Cell and hence needed to know the indexPath of it.

Hope this helps anyone!

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On iOS 11.0, you can use UITableView.indexPathForRow(at point: CGPoint) -> IndexPath?:

if let indexPath = tableView.indexPathForRow(at: cell.center) {
    (at: indexPath, animated: true, scrollPosition: .middle)

It gets the center point of the cell and then the tableView returns the indexPath corresponding to that point.

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try this (it only works if the tableView has only one section and all cells has equal heights) :

//get current cell rectangle relative to its superview
CGRect r = [self convertRect:self.frame toView:self.superview];

//get cell index
int index = r.origin.y / r.size.height;
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Swift 3.0 and above-

If one needs to get the indexpath from within a custom cell-

if let tableView = self.superview as? UITableView{
    if let indexPath = tableView.indexPath(for: self){
        print("Indexpath acquired.")
        print("Indexpath could not be acquired from tableview.")
    print("Superview couldn't be cast as tableview")

It's good practice is to look out for the failure cases.

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Try with this from your UITableViewCell:

NSIndexPath *indexPath = [(UITableView *)self.superview.superview indexPathForCell:self];
Yogesh Kumar
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Swift 4.x

To provide access to my cell, i did something like this:

I have an extension of the UIView:

extension UIView {
    var parentViewController: UIViewController? {
        var parentResponder: UIResponder? = self
        while parentResponder != nil {
            parentResponder = parentResponder!.next
            if let viewController = parentResponder as? UIViewController {
                return viewController
        return nil

And then.. in my cell Class:

class SomeCell: UITableViewCell {

    func someMethod() {
        if let myViewController = self.parentViewController as? CarteleraTableViewController {
            let indexPath : IndexPath = (myViewController.tableView).indexPath(for: self)!

Thats all form me.

Best regards.

Andres Paladines
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