Here is my code, class B inherits class A:

function A() {
    this.msg = 'meuahah';
    A.prototype.foo = function() {

function B() {
    B.prototype.bar = function() {

a = new A();
a.foo(); // alerts 'meuahah'
b = new B();
b.bar(); // alerts 'undefined'

Why doesn't b.bar() display 'meuahah'?

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4 Answers4


Because this is bound to the global object in that case.

You're calling this function

function() {

when it is not bound to an object. So this will refer to the global object (which is window in the browser) and since that won't have a msg property, it will alert undefined.

When you call a = new A() you create a new object, add msg as a property, and set foo() on its prototype chain. So when you call a.foo() foo is bound to a and this refers to a.

In general you probably want something that looks more like this.

function A() {
    this.msg = 'meuahah';

A.prototype.foo = function() {

function B() {

B.prototype = Object.create(A.prototype);

B.prototype.bar = function() {

You can read more about how this works in javascript from this question

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Ben McCormick
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Your prototypal inheritance is not quite right. This is probably more what you want to do:

function A() {
    this.msg = 'meuahah';

A.prototype.foo = function() {

function B() {

B.prototype = new A();
B.prototype.bar = function() {

a = new A();
b = new B();

You can override foo in B like this:

B.prototype.foo = function() {
    // Call the original foo method
    A.prototype.foo.apply(this, arguments);
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    `B.prototype = A.prototype`. This is kind of dangerous... after setting `B.prototype.bar`, there is now an `A.prototype.bar` as well, which was likely not the intended behavior. – jmar777 Mar 28 '13 at 17:47
  • Good point I guess I blacked out on that for a moment ;) Should be fixed now. – Daff Mar 28 '13 at 17:49
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    That's definitely better, but the problem now is that you'll have a `B.prototype.msg` (and any other properties set in the `A()` constructor. You would be better off copying each property from `A.prototype` onto `B.prototype`. – jmar777 Mar 28 '13 at 17:59
  • To expand, any behavior in the `A()` constructor is invoked when creating your `B()` constructor's prototype chain, so there's something kind of "wonky" about running constructors prior to any instances actually being created. – jmar777 Mar 28 '13 at 18:01
  • Probably want to be using Object.create rather than either of these options. See my answer. That preserves the prototype without creating an instance or putting `A`'s local properties on B's prototype chain (not harmful in this case but could be if you weren't copying them all anyway) – Ben McCormick Mar 28 '13 at 18:03

The reason because b.bar displays undefined is because the this of the foo method is prototype, and prototype doesn't have a msg property.

You basically missed the main point, the inheritance. So, here the code revisited:

function A() {
  this.msg = 'meuahah';

A.prototype.foo = function() {

function B() {

// Set the inheritance! Or better, the prototype's chain,
// so that any instance of B will have methods of A too
B.prototype = Object.create(A.prototype);

B.prototype.bar = function() {
  // Because the inheritance, now B has the A's `foo` method too

// But... We can also override it.
B.prototype.foo = function() {
  // do something
  // then call the original one

Hope it helps to have a better idea about the objects and constructors. I will suggest to investigate on Object.create too, that it's really helpful; and the ES5 methods in general.

The reading Working with Objects it's also a good start, even if it's a bit old.

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You're just called the A.prototype.foo function, so msg doesn't exist. Here is the output from the console when you console.log(this) inside A.prototype.foo

A {msg: "meuahah", foo: function}
A {foo: function}

The second one is when you call it from inside B, as you can see msg isn't present.

Daniel Imms
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