
I want to know what are the requierements to implements Push Notifications in an android and iOS app.

I have a hosting plan to host my website and PHP scripts, so my real question would be if push notifications are made by php scripts or by a program that would need to be installed into a dedicated server.

Thanks in advance

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3 Answers3


Generally, Push Notifications are sent not directly by you, but by servers hosted at Google / Apple.

On your server, you make a request to these servers in order to get your push notification delivered. These requests can be set up using various web programming languages, e.g. Java/PHP/Python/... There are already open source libraries that will come in handy for you, e.g. APNS-PHP (iOS). For sending notifications using Google Cloud Messaging (Android) and PHP, see this SO post.

For general introductions, see

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If you have no idea where to start, I highly recommend Urban Airship, you won't need to write your own server, just use theirs via their API.

Chris Cooper
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There's another services less expensive like Pushwoosh, Mainline , even Parse can do it.