I am using this Entity class with Entity Framework 5 Code First:

public class Survey
    public int ID { get; set; }

    public string SurveyName { get; set; }

    public int ClientID { get; set; }

    public virtual Client Client { get; set; }

And in my Controller's Create method I do this:

    Survey entity = new Survey()
        SurveyName = "Test Name",
        ClientID = 4
    Client c1 = entity.Client;                    //Why is this null?
    Client c2 = db.Clients.Find(entity.ClientID); //But this isn't?

    string s2 = c2.ClientName;
    string s1 = c1.ClientName;   //null reference thrown here

The Client navigation property remains null after SaveChanges. I expected the call to load the Client from the database because the foreign key exists. Why didn't it do that?

EDIT The code here comes from when my controllers were dependent on DbContext. Not long after I got this working I re-factored the code to use repositories and a unit of work. Part of that move was driven by the fact that it just felt wrong to use Create when I wanted to use new. What happened then was that I hit a problem with how to ensure proxies are created when using the repository pattern.

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4 Answers4


To ensure that lazy loading of a navigation property will work after you've created the parent you must not create the Survey with the new operator but create it by means of the context instance because it will instantiate a dynamic proxy that is capable to lazily load the related Client. That's what the DbSet<T>.Create() method is for:

Survey entity = db.Surveys.Create();

entity.SurveyName = "Test Name";
entity.ClientID = 4;


Client c1 = entity.Client;
string s1 = c1.ClientName;
// will work now if a Client with ID 4 exists in the DB

Just to emphasize: It's not the line entity.ClientID = 4; or db.Surveys.Add(entity); or db.SaveChanges that loads the client from the DB, but the line Client c1 = entity.Client; (lazy loading).

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  • I have accepted this answer because it pretty much tells me what I should be doing, but you should also read the answer from @nick_w. It really explains what the framework is doing. – Colin Mar 28 '13 at 10:27
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    BTW: I moved the db.Surveys.Add(entity); and db.SaveChanges(); lines right to the end and still got a null reference error. I had to put the db.Surveys.Add(entity); line before the access to the property to get lazy loading to work....so it appears that I have to use Create and Add – Colin Mar 28 '13 at 10:37
  • And to ensure that proxies are created when using the repository pattern. See this http://stackoverflow.com/a/16811976/150342 – Colin Jul 17 '13 at 14:49
  • This is crazy-useful. Thank you VERY much! – Roman Jun 14 '15 at 20:33
  • Thank you! I hated having to use the .Include extension as it added a layer of complexity to my repository pattern that I felt should have happened automagically, and as stated using the new keyword was preventing lazy loading within the db context.So I used the Entity.Create() method ass you have in the example above and now all is well again in EF land. – dynamiclynk Nov 16 '15 at 17:11
  • A better way to ensure that proxies are created is if EF allowed you to make all your code first models abstract classes. – eoleary Dec 21 '15 at 20:29
  • not supported anymore with EF Core for what I see. :( – A.D. Feb 23 '21 at 10:25

Like @NicholasButler said, calling SaveChanges does what it says on the tin - you can see this if you debug your code: the Intellitrace output will show the SQL it has generated for the insert/update you are persisting, but there will be no subsequent select.

Keep in mind that unless you are eager loading (using the Include method), related entities are not loaded when performing a retrieval, so it stands to reason that creating/updating them wouldn't either.

The Entity Framework (from I think versions 4.1 and up) supports lazy loading. What this means is that if it's enabled, code like Client c1 = entity.Client; should load up that Client object. To be clear, this operation is not directly related to the SaveChanges call.

It would pay to check whether db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled is set to true. If not, try setting it to be true and see if Client c1 = entity.Client; is still null.

In short, calling SaveChanges does not trigger a load, but if lazy loading is enabled, accessing entity.Client should trigger a load of the entity if it hasn't already been loaded.


I should've though of this earlier, but you aren't going to be getting lazy loading on your Survey entity object. The reason is that EF works its lazy loading magic by creating a class derived from your one but overriding the properties marked as virtual to support lazy loading. It does this when you perform a retrieval, so your entity object will not lazy load anything as it stands.

Try this just after your call to SaveChanges:

Survey entity2 = db.Surveys.Find(entity.ID);
Client c1 = entity2.Client;

This should exhibit the behaviour you are after.

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  • I'm using EF 5.0 and I've checked db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled is true but accessing entity.Client is still returning null I'm afraid. Must be something else... – Colin Mar 27 '13 at 15:54
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    Epiphany! "The reason is that EF works its lazy loading magic by creating a class derived from your one but overriding the properties marked as virtual to support lazy loading". Thank-you for that. One thing about this suggestion is that the Find after SaveChanges results in an extra database hit. I f – Colin Mar 27 '13 at 21:50
  • I found that if I fetched the Client first and assigned it to the navigation property, then that worked....I also like the look of Slauma's suggestion – Colin Mar 27 '13 at 21:58
  • My suggestion was really more to test whether lazy loading did what you want in this specific instance. Using the `Create()` method may be much more useful in the general case. – nick_w Mar 27 '13 at 22:08

You need to define all the properties on the Survey class as virtual to enable lazy-loading.

See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/dd468057(v=vs.100).aspx for more information.

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  • Unless I've missed something that only says that each navigation property must be declared as virtual. Nonetheless I tried what you said. I still get a null reference error. – Colin Mar 21 '13 at 17:45

I expected the call to load the Client from the database because the foreign key exists. Why didn't it do that?

It didn't do that because you haven't asked it to. After the call to SaveChanges(), EF doesn't have the data in the referenced row and it won't make a potentially redundant database call to get it.

Calling db.Clients.Find(... tells EF to go and fetch the row from the database, which is why it returns the object.

Nick Butler
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  • I thought Entity Framework automatically synchronised foreign keys and relationships? See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/jj713564.aspx – Colin Mar 21 '13 at 17:07
  • Loading the Client row would require a separate SQL call as you haven't loaded that data into the context. EF won't do that unless you tell it to. – Nick Butler Mar 21 '13 at 17:11
  • If I set the "Client" navigation property it automatically populates the ClientID property (OK, it doesn't need a call to the database to do it). It just seems to me that it would make sense to make the call to the database if the foreign key has been set. Why is it "potentially redundant"? – Colin Mar 21 '13 at 17:33
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    Funny thing is the newly created object does automatically get its primary key field populated which does make it seem like data is being returned from the database. – Isaac Kleinman Nov 14 '14 at 16:19