
I am developing a console based banking application in C#! i have to get details of account dynamically..I am confused what to use whether array of objects or List. As i am beginner i dont know much about both . Could anyone help me what to use? i should save account details of savings and overdraft account separately . I should retrieve data based on account number to perform withdraw and deposit also. So kindly help me in this.

Daniel Imms
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Chetan Goenka
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3 Answers3


Unless you know the different, use a List<T> for everything. Lists implement what is called a dynamic array behind the scenes, which is a regular array who's size is increased on demand.

Example usage:

// Create an integer array
List<int> list = new List<int>();

// Add 5 numbers

// Get value at index 0 and write to console
Console.WriteLine(list[0]); // 1

Here is some more advanced usage using LINQ which was introduced in .NET 3.5.

// Get all values less than 4 and put into an 'IEnumerable'
var lessThanFour = list.Where(e => e < 4);

// Write all values less than 4 to the console
foreach (var val in lessThanFour)
Daniel Imms
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  • any example on how to store it and retrieve from list ? – Chetan Goenka Mar 09 '13 at 16:23
  • 1
    This should be your accepted answer. I will caution you though that interfacing with a bank can be a serious matter. Not understanding the difference between and Array and a List is a cause for concern. – Chase Florell Mar 09 '13 at 16:29

Okay. I'm going to help you design your data structures, but I doubt anyone is going to directly give you the code.

Account Class

It sounds like, to me, you want a class Account. An Account might have certain values:

  • An account holder.
  • An account number.
  • A balance.

This should give you some idea of the fields inside the Account class.

In terms of the class' functionality, it looks like you want to be able to:

  • GET the account Number.
  • GET the account balance
  • GET the account holder.
  • SET the new account balance

You also mentioned you want different types of accounts. Read up a little on inheritance, and that should spark your creativity.

Storage Mechanism

If it were me, I would store it in a List. A list is a dynamic object, meaning you can have as many account objects stored in it as you want. To use a list, you should read the documentation provided.

Hopefully this will help you solve your problem. :)

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You're not really saying exactly what you need to do with your collection, but overall, a List<someObject> will be more flexable, but will cause more performance hits.

If you're using someObject[], it could potentially be more performant, but at the expense of "features".

Basically, rock a List<someObject> and have fun.

Chase Florell
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