n00b here. I'm trying to "inject" an arbitrary template into another. But it seems like I'm doing it wrong :)


<template name="parent">

<template name="child1">
  I'm child 1

<template name="child2">
  I'm child 2


x = "child1"
Template.parent.child = -> Template[x](@)

This will create "annotated HTML" (http://docs.meteor.com/#template_call) as the result, but the output of the {{child}} helper is html-encoded and thus is not interpreted.

I'm aware that I could use the Template.myTemplate.rendered event to add the template directly to the DOM using jQuery. But that seems like quite a hack imho. I'd rather have a helper generate that if possible.

What is the "right" way to do this? Is it possible to unescape the result in the template? Will reactivity work?

Thanks in advance!!1


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1 Answers1


A {{doubleBrace}} escapes HTML while a {{{tripleBrace}}} does not escape HTML and renders it as is.

EDIT: I mentioned it other way around.

From Handlebars docs - "Handlebars HTML-escapes values returned by a {{expression}}. If you don't want Handlebars to escape a value, use the 'triple-stash'."

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    Thanks! So this is technically a duplicate ;) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7168469/handlebars-template-rendering-template-as-text – ParkL Mar 04 '13 at 16:53
  • Yes. It will be merged or closed later by moderators. – Prashant Mar 04 '13 at 16:56