I recently moved from a Mac + Textmate back to Visual Studio.

The one thing I absolutely loved about textmate was it's find/search feature. It made navigating solution files so easy. Is there an equivalent shortcut/addon for Visual Studio?

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1 Answers1


You haven't explained what Textmate does for you, but...

  • The "folder + binoculars" icon in the toolbar gives "search in files"
  • Ctrl-F brings up Find
  • Ctrl-Click on a method call goes to its declaration (etc for other member types too)

If you want "find a type" or "find a file" easily in VS2008 (e.g. type SE to find SmartEnumerable), you'll need ReSharper

Jon Skeet
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  • textmate is simple: ctrl-t=autocomplete file search, ctrl-shit-t=autocomplete text search I just dont like how vs.net ouputs the results in a different window. SonicfileFinder is all inline which seems to do the trick.. – dmose Oct 03 '09 at 18:35
  • Have a look at the answers to this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1508973/how-to-search-for-file-names-in-visual-studio/1509131 – adrianbanks Oct 03 '09 at 18:42