We use corkboard with printed Agile Cards. I would like to be able to create filter in JIRA's Issue Navigator to find issues that were added to the active sprint in the last 24 hours, last 2 days, etc. That way I wouldn't have to manually select new issues for printing everyday.

I've tried to write JQL query for this, but I only got this far:

project = "Our Project"
AND sprint = 1002
AND (created >= -1d OR (updated >= -1d AND status WAS Open BEFORE -1d))

This is not satisfying because:

  1. Sprint id isn't automatically selected (activeSprint() or something similar).
  2. Query doesn't actually answer my question.
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2 Answers2


You can find issues in the current open sprint with the JQL clause:

sprint in openSprints()
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I don't think you can achieve what you asked for using the standard JQL, I think you'll have to create your own JQL search, check Adding a JQL Function to JIRA for how-to.

Another option would be using one of Jira's remote API to manually get the issue list.

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  • That would select all the issues which status changed in whatever way (also the ones which went from "In progress" to "In review"). Issues in the backlog have "Open" status, so does the ones in "To Do" list. So this query would not select issues added to the sprint in the last 24h. – beam022 Feb 28 '13 at 15:04
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    History searches do not support the 'sprint' field. – beam022 Feb 28 '13 at 15:09
  • didn't think so but though to give it a try, only i don't have this plugins so i can't test it myself. well than, seems like you'll have to do some programming to get what you're looking for. – Kuf Feb 28 '13 at 15:12