I am creating a website on google app engine and I want to allow users to chat with each other just like gmail.I have read that there are 2 options - xmpp and channel api.

Now I want to know,can the xmpp sever on gae talk to javascript clients and push messages to browser's javascript just like channel api.everyhere I see that xmpp on gae can talk to xmpp clients,but I did not find info on talking to javascript clients.I would prefer to use xmpp as it gives more features.

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1 Answers1


If you want to use XMPP to talk to Javascript clients, you could use Strophe.js -- however you'll need an XMPP account of some sort for the client to sign into.

Moishe Lettvin
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  • along with this post - stackoverflow.com/questions/11802330/app-engine-chat-application your answer answers my question – vishesh Feb 13 '13 at 16:39