I'm making different selection on this XML, but for most of them i'm not sure that i done the simplest solution, and for 2 of them i'm not able to provide a working solution.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE list[
<!ELEMENT list(man|woman)*>
<!ELEMENT man(sons,daughters)>
<!ELEMENT man(sons,daughters)>
<!ELEMENT sons(man)*>
<!ELEMENT daughters(woman)*>

    <man name="Jean-Bernard">
            <man name="Marc-Antoine"/>
            <woman name="Marie-Jeanne">
                    <woman name="Anne-Sophie"/>
            <woman name="Rose-Marie">
                    <woman name="Marie-Cécile"/>
    <woman name="Marie-Jeanne">
            <man name="Ghislain-Auguste">
            <woman name="Rita-Lise">
                <man name="Alain-Luc"/>
                <man name="Jules-Edouard"/>

What i have done :

  • Selecting all women : //woman
  • Selecting all women with the name "Marie Jeanne" : //woman[@name='Marie-Jeanne']
  • Selecting all woman with a name which contains "Marie" : //woman[contains(@name,Marie)]

What i have done but this is not exact or i think it can be better :

  • Selecting all women or men who have at least 2 children : //*[sum(count(sons/man), count(daughters/woman)) >= 2]
  • Selecting all women or men who are grandparents : i'm totally stuck for this one i can't see how i can select with so much unknown. In my mind this is like that : //*/*/*/* . . . i don't understand how to start.
Julien Breuil
  • 165
  • 2
  • 15

2 Answers2


Selecting all women or men who have at least 2 children:

//*[(self::man or self::woman) and count(*/*) > 1]

Selecting all women or men who are grandparents

//*[(self::man or self::woman) and */*/*/*]
Kirill Polishchuk
  • 51,053
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  • 119

To make it easier to select all women or men who are grandparents you could use the "self" declarative XPath to select multiple tags:

//*[count(*[self::sons or self::daughters]/*[self::man or self::woman]/*[self::sons or self::daughters]/*[self::man or self::woman]) >= 1]
  • 1
  • 1
Justin Bicknell
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