I understand PHP does not have a pure object variable, but I want to check whether a property is in the given object or class.

$ob = (object) array('a' => 1, 'b' => 12); 


$ob = new stdClass;
$ob->a = 1;
$ob->b = 2;

In JS, I can write this to check if variable a exists in an object:

if ('a' in ob)

In PHP, can anything like this be done?

Suciu Andrei
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10 Answers10


property_exists( mixed $class , string $property )

if (property_exists($ob, 'a')) 

isset( mixed $var [, mixed $... ] )

if (isset($ob->a))

isset() will return false if property is null

Example 1:

$ob->a = null
var_dump(isset($ob->a)); // false

Example 2:

class Foo
   public $bar = null;

$foo = new Foo();

var_dump(property_exists($foo, 'bar')); // true
var_dump(isset($foo->bar)); // false
Abel Callejo
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    Not necessarily, if the property exists, but is not defined isset() will return false. http://us3.php.net/manual/en/types.comparisons.php –  Mar 28 '14 at 05:21
  • isset() can be combined with empty() to check both property **and** value. –  Jul 23 '17 at 22:41
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    While isset() is the wrong answer, if you are aware of the caveat it is is considerably faster than property_exists() – Nico Westerdale Feb 06 '18 at 20:40
  • is this a situation where `empty()` is a better solution? `!empty($var)` ? – b_dubb Jan 07 '19 at 18:34
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    @b_dubb no, empty array, 0, false, null, '' all return true by `empty()' – Peter Jan 21 '19 at 20:26

To check if the property exists and if it's null too, you can use the function property_exists().

Docs: http://php.net/manual/en/function.property-exists.php

As opposed with isset(), property_exists() returns TRUE even if the property has the value NULL.

bool property_exists ( mixed $class , string $property )


if (property_exists($testObject, $property)) {
    //do something
Yevgeniy Afanasyev
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Chiara Perino
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    This should be marked as the accepted answer since it answers the explicit answer very precise. isset is not useful for testing existence of a property in an object. – Christopher Bonitz Feb 06 '17 at 07:53

Neither isset or property_exists work for me.

  • isset returns false if the property exists but is NULL.
  • property_exists returns true if the property is part of the object's class definition, even if it has been unset.

I ended up going with:

    $exists = array_key_exists($property, get_object_vars($obj));


    class Foo {
        public $bar;

        function __construct() {
            $property = 'bar';

            isset($this->$property); // FALSE
            property_exists($this, $property); // TRUE
            array_key_exists($property, get_object_vars($this)); // TRUE


            isset($this->$property); // FALSE
            property_exists($this, $property); // TRUE
            array_key_exists($property, get_object_vars($this)); // FALSE

            $this->$property = 'baz';

            isset($this->$property); // TRUE
            property_exists($this, $property); // TRUE
            array_key_exists($property, get_object_vars($this));  // TRUE
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  • property_exist + unset property maybe cause buggy behaviour. This seems to be the safest method – Thanh Trung Aug 17 '17 at 00:12
  • array_key_exists() is Deprecated in php 7.4 – Ali_Hr Dec 15 '19 at 08:39
  • The keyword in "Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated" is objects. get_object_vars() returns an array, so we're still good. – smariot Dec 16 '19 at 15:20
  • @Ali_Hr Don't know where you saw it in the docs. array_key_exists isn't deprecated in PHP 7.4. – Alexander Behling Aug 04 '20 at 12:57
  • @Thanh Trung Why do you want to unset a class property? property_exists works like expected. If you unset a class property it is internal set to null. Regarding the docs property_exists also returns true if the property is null. So I'm confused what you expected. Also mentionable that property_exist didn't work if the magical method __get is implemented. – Alexander Behling Aug 04 '20 at 12:58


echo $person->middleName ?? 'Person does not have a middle name';

To show how this would look in an if statement for more clarity on how this is working.

if($person->middleName ?? false) {
    echo $person->middleName;
} else {
    echo 'Person does not have a middle name';


The traditional PHP way to check for something's existence is to do:

if(isset($person->middleName)) {
    echo $person->middleName;
} else {
    echo 'Person does not have a middle name';

OR for a more class specific way:

if(property_exists($person, 'middleName')) {
    echo $person->middleName;
} else {
    echo 'Person does not have a middle name';

These are both fine in long form statements but in ternary statements they become unnecessarily cumbersome like so:

isset($person->middleName) ? echo $person->middleName : echo 'Person does not have a middle name';

You can also achieve this with just the ternary operator like so:

echo $person->middleName ?: 'Person does not have a middle name';

But... if the value does not exist (is not set) it will raise an E_NOTICE and is not best practise. If the value is null it will not raise the exception.

Therefore ternary operator to the rescue making this a neat little answer:

echo $person->middleName ?? 'Person does not have a middle name';

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If you want to know if a property exists in an instance of a class that you have defined, simply combine property_exists() with isset().

public function hasProperty($property)
    return property_exists($this, $property) && isset($this->$property);
Anthony Rutledge
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    Calling `property_exists($this, $property)` is kind of redundant here, since your code will always have the same result as `isset($this->$property)` alone. – MarthyM Aug 15 '17 at 09:29
  • This is a more complete examination of the facts because `isset()` cannot tell you if a property is a true member of the class definition. I will look up again later to make sure. – Anthony Rutledge Aug 17 '17 at 02:34
  • That is true, the output will be the same for actual class properties. If you have virtual properties with `__get()` and more importantly `__isset()` magic methods, the output will be different in some cases. – MarthyM Aug 17 '17 at 05:58

To check if something exits, you can use the PHP function isset() see php.net. This function will check if the variable is set and is not NULL.


  //do something

If you need to check if a property exists in a class, then you can use the build in function property_exists()


if (property_exists('class', $property)) {
    //do something
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Using array_key_exists() on objects is Deprecated in php 7.4

Instead either isset() or property_exists() should be used

reference : php.net

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Just putting my 2 cents here.

Given the following class:

class Foo
  private $data;

  public function __construct(array $data)
    $this->data = $data;

  public function __get($name)
    return $data[$name];

  public function __isset($name)
    return array_key_exists($name, $this->data);

the following will happen:

$foo = new Foo(['key' => 'value', 'bar' => null]);

var_dump(property_exists($foo, 'key'));  // false
var_dump(isset($foo->key));  // true
var_dump(property_exists($foo, 'bar'));  // false
var_dump(isset($foo->bar));  // true, although $data['bar'] == null

Hope this will help anyone

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Usually I use kind of custom helper

     * @param Object $object
     * @param string $property as a string with nested properties 'prop1.nesterdProp.deepvalue'
     * @param mixed $default
     * @return mixed
    function getPropertyOrDefault(Object $object, string $property, $default = null)
        $value = $object;
        $path = explode('.', $property);
        foreach ($path as $prop) {
            if (is_object($value) && property_exists($value, $prop)) {
                $value = $value->{$prop};
            } else {
                return $default;
        return $value;

Keep in mind that if property is empty you will get empty value and no default value.

BTW the similar helper works in JS as well.


Since php8.0 one can use ?? operator as sugar for isset. Keep in mind that that$foo->bar??<what value you want here> will return <what value you want here> if $foo->bar is not set and $foo->bar otherwise, no matter what value $foo->bar has, posible 0, false, '' or other falsy values