I had 3 tables which are not identical to each other. According to one of my requirement I had to copy all these tables records to another table. That part is okay.What my problem is that the records I inserted is in a order now. Like

first 100 records from table1
second 100 records from table2
third 100 records from table3

what I wanted to do is change/mix the record positions.Like if i selected first 100 records there should be records from all three table.

selecting data from ORDER BY Rand() is not I want.I just need to select data and display those data. Is there any way that i can solve this out?Thanks

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    If you want data in a particular order, there is **one** way to guarantee that - and that's by providing an `ORDER BY` clause on the outermost `SELECT` query, when retrieving the rows. – Damien_The_Unbeliever Jan 16 '13 at 07:38
  • To randomise order of a select statement, you can use the [rand](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/mathematical-functions.html#function_rand) function. – hd1 Jan 16 '13 at 07:40
  • When you are inserting, do you have a unique index number for each record? – bonCodigo Jan 16 '13 at 07:42
  • Here is a post to check more solutions: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19412/how-to-request-a-random-row-in-sql – bonCodigo Jan 16 '13 at 07:48
  • @bonCodigo In my new table, I have a primary key with auto increment.I just copy data to new table without previous primary ids of other tables – vinu Jan 16 '13 at 07:50
  • @vinu check my comment to Meherzad. His query will work as long as you really don't have a condition to choose x number of rows e.g. Limit 50 rows out of 300..randomly.. – bonCodigo Jan 16 '13 at 08:07
  • Huh still i couldn't fixed this.:(( – vinu Jan 16 '13 at 09:02

2 Answers2


A great post handling several cases, from simple, to gaps, to non-uniform with gaps.


For most general case, here's how you do it:

FROM random AS r1 JOIN
   (SELECT (RAND() *
                 (SELECT MAX(id)
                    FROM random)) AS id)
    AS r2
WHERE r1.id >= r2.id

This supposes that the distribution of ids is equal, and that there can be gaps in the id list. See the article for more advanced examples

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  • If you take a look at [this](http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/e8509/6) doesn't really seem to gurantee *fully random* but random-consecutive ;) In this case it doesn't gurantee to [give x number](http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/e8509/6) of rows either.. – bonCodigo Jan 16 '13 at 08:03
  • @bonCodigo Yes friend i already tried this but it won't work as i expected – vinu Jan 16 '13 at 08:37

If you don't want to query later on with rand() you could create the table by inserting from a union select ordered by rand() in the first place:

INSERT INTO merged (a, b)
  SELECT a, b, rand() AS r FROM t1
  SELECT a, b, rand() AS r FROM t2

However, also consider this post I just came across: INSERT INTO SELECT strange order using UNION, perhaps someone can comment.

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  • Thanks friend i got the point.Since my table are so much different from each other creating a table again with this is little bit struggle for me.I will try.. – vinu Jan 16 '13 at 08:07