I'm currently working on a CRUD form and is now working on the last part which should be the most easiest - delete. But I want to show a dialog before the user can do the actual deletion. And this is where I'm having problem with Primefaces 3.4. For some reason I cannot set the action in the button inside the p:dialog, ajax=false failed. So here's what I did:

<p:column headerText="#{msgs['action.delete']}"
    <p:commandButton icon="ui-icon-trash"
            target="#{marketingCodeBean.marketingCode}" value="#{code}"></f:setPropertyActionListener>

The Dialog:

<p:confirmDialog id="confirmDialog"
                header="#{msgs['common.confirmDelete']}" severity="alert"
    <p:commandButton id="confirm" value="#{msgs['common.yes']}"
        oncomplete="confirmation.hide()" update=":form:mktgCodeTable"
        actionListener="#{marketingCodeBean.remove}" />
    <p:commandButton id="decline" value="#{msgs['common.no']}"
        onclick="confirmation.hide()" type="button" />

I'm aware that the actionListener should not be use for business action, but I can't think of a workaround given the datatable and the dialog. Any idea on how I can make ajax=false in p:commandButton inside p:confirmDialog?

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1 Answers1


Once rendered, the dialog's HTML output is by some onload JavaScript relocated to end of HTML <body> in order to achieve the best cross-browser compatible overlay/positioning. However, this thus means that if it was placed inside a <form>, it would not be in a <form> anymore and synchronous (non-ajax) requests would then not work anymore. This is not exactly an action vs actionListener issue.

The <p:dialog> (and <p:confirmDialog> as you seem to be actually using) should have its own <h:form> component.

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  • You're right I forgot to create a separate form for the p:confirmDialog and included it in the main form. Thanks again. But I wonder why it won't work with a single form? – czetsuya Jan 07 '13 at 02:58
  • Because the HTML output of the dialog is by JavaScript relocated to end of HTML ``, causing it not be inside any `
    ` anymore.
    – BalusC Jan 07 '13 at 10:23