I'm trying the following function in VBA/Excel:

Sub function_name()
  Call Long_Function       ' duration: 10sec
End Sub

For some reason, this button disabling does not work (it stays enabled in the excel work sheet) I tried experimenting with DoEvents and delays, but no luck there. Any ideas? Thanks!

Jonathan V
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7 Answers7


The following works for me (Excel 2010)

Dim b1 As Button

Set b1 = ActiveSheet.Buttons("Button 1")

b1.Font.ColorIndex = 15
b1.Enabled = False
Application.Cursor = xlWait
Call aLongAction
b1.Enabled = True
b1.Font.ColorIndex = 1
Application.Cursor = xlDefault

Be aware that .enabled = False does not gray out a button.

The font color has to be set explicitely to get it grayed.

Axel Kemper
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    Good answer! The last sentence could be at the beginning of the post, I had to come twice because I didn't read all of it! Silly me :P – ForceMagic Jun 24 '13 at 19:26
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    I think it's important to note that, in Excel 2010, setting `b1.Enabled = False` does not stop the actions associated with that button from occurring if it is clicked. – Kes Perron Mar 30 '15 at 18:17
  • ... and **to deactivate the action (event), it must be unassigned** (Excel 2010) or one creates two buttons on the same spot switching their visibility as described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/566965/1915920 – Andreas Covidiot Mar 04 '19 at 14:48

... I don't know if you're using an activex button or not, but when I insert an activex button into sheet1 in Excel called CommandButton1, the following code works fine:

Sub test()

   Sheets(1).CommandButton1.Enabled = False

End Sub

Hope this helps...

John Bustos
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  • this works perfect, i think it has to do with 'screen refresh' or something while the 'long function' is running – Jonathan V Jan 02 '13 at 13:38

too good !!! it's working and resolved my one day old problem easily

Dim b1 As Button

Set b1 = ActiveSheet.Buttons("Button 1")

b1.Enabled = False
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This is working for me (Excel 2016) with a new ActiveX button, assign a control to you button and you're all set.

Sub deactivate_buttons()

     ActiveSheet.Shapes.Item("CommandButton1").ControlFormat.Enabled = False

End Sub

It changes the "Enabled" property in the ActiveX button Properties box to False and the button becomes inactive and greyed out.

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Others are correct in saying that setting button.enabled = false doesn't prevent the button from triggering. However, I found that setting button.visible = false does work. The button disappears and can't be clicked until you set visible to true again.

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I'm using excel 2010 and below VBA code worked fine for a Form Button. It removes the assigned macro from the button and assign in next command.

To disable:

ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button Name").OnAction = Empty
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button Name").DrawingObject.Font.ColorIndex = 16

To enable:

ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button Name").OnAction = ActiveWorkbook.Name & "!Macro function Name with _Click"
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button Name").DrawingObject.Font.ColorIndex = 1

Pls note "ActiveWorkbook.Name" stays as it is. Do not insert workbook name instead of "Name".


This is what iDevelop is trying to say Enabled Property

So you have been infact using enabled, coz your initial post was enable..

You may try the following:

Sub disenable()
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True

  For i = 1 To 10
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:1"))
  Next i

  sheets(1).button1.enabled = False
End Sub
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  • @Jonathan it seems like your waiting function doesn't seem to pull the desired `trigger` to change button properties. So please give this a try. – bonCodigo Jan 02 '13 at 13:48
  • I found this too online, but this does not do the trick. I think this 'trigger' indeed is the problem. If I break after my function, the button does gets inactive. – Jonathan V Jan 02 '13 at 13:53