What exactly are the differences between Encapsulation and Information Hiding?

Well I know that making fields private and then making setter and getter of the fields is encapsulation. However does encapsulation mean just this?

Suppose I have a class as described below.

public Class IsThisEncapsulation
    public int age;

    public void setAge(int age)

    public int getAge()
       return age;

Now is the class IsThisEncapsulation an example of Encapsulation?

Now would making the field 'age' in the above class private achieve informaton hiding?

Could you please give me clear examples that will help me distinguish these concepts clearly?

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    *"is the class IsThisEncapsulation an example of Encapsulation?"* => you have not really encapsulated anything since you provide getters and setters that can read and write the state of your class directly... – assylias Dec 17 '12 at 11:24
  • @assylias Making `age` public is what breaks encapsulation, not providing getter and setter... – hyde Dec 17 '12 at 11:30
  • @hyde I had not noticed that "detail"! Indeed! – assylias Dec 17 '12 at 11:31
  • @hyde i read that encapsulation means bundling data and methods together if that is so the class that i have made(IsThisEncapsulation) does achieve encapsulation.Am i correct?Or have i read about encapsulation incorrectly. – user1720616 Dec 17 '12 at 12:01
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    @user1720616 For encapsulation to be meaningful, you need some invariants (conditions which must remain true). For age you could define invariant: age can't be negative. So, if it's possible to set negative age (instead of getting exception or whatever), as it obviously is if age is public field, then age is not encapsulated properly. Another might be, if you have many fields which depend on each other, so you can't just modify one field, you need code which does proper modifications to all fields that need it. – hyde Dec 17 '12 at 12:29

9 Answers9


Well I know that making fields private and then making setter and getter of the fields is encapsulation. However, does encapsulation mean just this?

---> Encapsulation is an OOP concept where object state(class fields) and it's behaviour(methods) is wrapped together. Java provides encapsulation using class.

Information Hiding:

--> mechanism for restricting access to some of the object's components. Your above example is the case of Information Hiding if you make age private.

Initially, Information/Data Hiding was considered the part of Encapsulation, and the definitions of Encapsulation would be as:

  • A language mechanism for restricting access to some of the object's components.
  • A language construct that facilitates the bundling of data with the methods (or other functions) operating on that data.

the second definition is motivated by the fact that in many OOP languages hiding of components is not automatic or can be overridden; thus, information hiding is defined as a separate notion by those who prefer the second definition.

Reference: wikipage

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Nandkumar Tekale
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Encapsulation and information hiding are very closely linked concepts, though their precise definitions vary depending on who you talk to.

The concept of "information hiding" was first described by Parnas (1971) who suggested that access to information should be restricted to reduce the interconnectedness of a system. He proposed that this would facilitate splitting of a system into modules while maintaining a user-friendly external interface and allowing implementation details to be changed without affecting clients.

The term "encapsulation" was coined by Zilles (1973) to describe the use of procedures to control access to underlying data in order to reduce system complexity and protect data from dangerous modification.

Subsequently, Parnas (1978) described information hiding and encapsulation (and abstraction) as synonymous terms, which describe the hiding of details of a system that are likely to change. However, distinctions have been drawn between information hiding and encapsulation, such as by Micallef (1987), who described encapsulation as "the strict enforcement of information hiding". Some authors, such as Cohen (1984) and Abreu and Melo (1996) describe "encapsulation mechanisms", especially in object-oriented programming languages, as allowing information hiding.

Meyers (2000) suggests that the degree to which a piece of code is encapsulated depends on the amount of code which would be broken if it changed. In this sense, private data and methods are more encapsulated the fewer methods by which they can be accessed. In contrast, public data and methods are completely unencapsulated, as the amount of code by which they can be accessed is unknown.

Conversely, Rogers (2001) suggests that encapsulation is simply the language mechanism that allows data to be bundled with methods that operate on that data. He claims that encapsulation fundamentally has nothing to do with information hiding. However, this definition is counter to almost all usage of the term in the academic literature in the 28 years prior to the publication of his article. There are a few other examples of this usage, for example Archer and Stinson (1995), but they are few and far between and not particularly notable.

In conclusion, information hiding is the idea that information should be hidden so that a design can be changed without affecting clients. This allows for increased flexibility and robustness. Encapsulation may be considered to be the same as information hiding, but the term is often used to describe the practical implementation of information hiding, especially in object-oriented programming.

As an example of information hiding/encapsulation, consider this class:

public class BankAccount {
    public int dollars;

The implementation of this class is completely unencapsulated, which means it is inflexible (e.g. we cannot easily add support for individual cents in the future) and unsafe (e.g. the account can changed to be negative). However, if we hide the data behind a formally defined interface of methods, we gain flexibility and safety.

public class BankAccount {
    private int dollars;

    public void deposit(int dollars) {
        this.dollars += Math.max(0, dollars);

We now have control over how the state is modified, and we can also change the implementation without breaking client code:

public class BankAccount {
    private int cents;

    public void deposit(int dollars) {
        deposit(dollars, 0);

    public void deposit(int dollars, int cents) {
        this.cents += Math.max(0, 100 * dollars) + Math.max(0, cents);

The class is now better encapsulated because we have hidden information about its underlying implementation.

Joseph Thomson
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From abstraction-vs-information-hiding-vs-encapsulation

Abstraction and encapsulation are complementary concepts: abstraction focuses on the observable behavior of an object... encapsulation focuses upon the implementation that gives rise to this behavior... encapsulation is most often achieved through information hiding, which is the process of hiding all of the secrets of object that do not contribute to its essential characteristics.

Information Hiding:

"Its interface or definition was chosen to reveal as little as possible about its inner workings." — [Parnas, 1972b]

"Abstraction can be […] used as a technique for identifying which information should be hidden."

"Confusion can occur when people fail to distinguish between the hiding of information, and a technique (e.g., abstraction) that is used to help identify which information is to be hidden."


"It […] refers to building a capsule, in the case a conceptual barrier, around some collection of things." — [Wirfs-Brock et al, 1990]

"As a process, encapsulation means the act of enclosing one or more items within a […] container. Encapsulation, as an entity, refers to a package or an enclosure that holds (contains, encloses) one or more items."

"If encapsulation was 'the same thing as information hiding,' then one might make the argument that 'everything that was encapsulated was also hidden.' This is not obviously not true."

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Sumit Singh
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There is subtle difference between those, I like description from "Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided by Tests" book written by Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce:

Which says:


Ensures that the behavior of an object can only be affected through its API. It lets us control how much a change to one object will impact other parts of the system by ensuring that there are no unexpected dependencies between unrelated components.

Information hiding

Conceals how an object implements its functionality behind the abstraction of its API. It lets us work with higher abstractions by ignoring lower-level details that are unrelated to the task at hand.

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just see their literal meaning. Encapsulation is just putting things in a bag. i.e. putting all the attributes and methods in a class achieves Encapsulation However to a certain extent you also achieve information hiding by encapsulation. access modifiers don't contribute in encapsulation but in information hiding.

Harit Vishwakarma
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  • Thank you so much.So if access modifies dont contribute to encapsulation the class that i have defined here does achieve encapsulation doesnot it? – user1720616 Dec 17 '12 at 12:03
  • @Harit I'd say encapsulation also means, invariants of the encapsulated object must remain true. This requires accessing the object only through public API. Whether the language prevents accessing them bypassing the API or not (enforces information hiding or not) is another matter, but encapuslation is not just lumping things together, it also includes the invariants. – hyde Dec 17 '12 at 12:35

To Answer your question:

Information hiding: Is hiding the essential parts of the object which expose the way it is implemented internally and exposing higher abstractions. For e.g. : In a TV remote, we are exposed to only the keys to interact with the TV, we are not aware of what goes inside.

Encapsulation: Encapsulation is combining data and methods and allowing the internal data to be accessed by public methods. So, yes, if in your class, you make the variable age, private, you will achieve encapsulation

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  • Umm i have read that encapsulation means bundling data and methods together and also someone here has posted that access modifiers dont contribute to encapsulation .If these statements are true then the class that i have defined does achieve encapsulation.Am i wrong?Please do correct me if i am.And i meant that if i made the field private would it achieve information-hiding. – user1720616 Dec 17 '12 at 12:05
  • Encapsulation is putting a security around the data you do want to protect from unauthorised access. This can be achieved with access specifiers and public functions. The variable age is declared as public in your class, so it can be accessed from outside and can be changed, which is not what we want. So we need to make it private. Information hiding can be achieved with abstraction, which is exposing behavior which does not show how you are saving/using the internal data. So, in this example, if you make it private, you would achieve information hiding. – stamhaney Dec 17 '12 at 12:22

An oversimplified example:

class NoEncapsulationOrInformationHiding { 
   public ArrayList widths = new ArrayList();

class EncapsulationWithoutInformationHiding {
   private ArrayList widths = new ArrayList();
   public ArrayList getWidths(){
    return widths;

class InformationHidingWithoutEncapsulation {
   public List widths = new ArrayList();

class EncapsulationAndInformationHiding{
  private ArrayList widths = new ArrayList();
  public List getWidths(){
    return widths;

Encapsulation allows you to check access to your own innards, and provide specific methods of performing such access. It does not specifically address leaking implementation details; although you can control access to that variable, you can no longer control the fact that the client knows your using an ArrayList, even if you later decide to use LinkedList.

Information Hiding, on the other hand is hiding the fact that your using an ArrayList to implement your widths. Although the client could still find out how your implementing it (InformationHidingIsNotInformationErasing), you're no longer responsible for supporting that implementation. read more here

Monsieur Aliréza
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This is what happens when you do not implement information hiding, encapsulation or whatever it called. Bad things occur when you change something in somewhere in a corner that you think that is independent. Secondly when you want to change a third-party library that is used in your system, that you find out there are references everywhere in the system that you cannot move without refactoring the whole thing. For example, you want to upgrade your data access library version (I faced this issue when I wanted to update ODP.net version), you estimate the work is thinking that you want to modify the DataAccess class that supposed to have reference to the DB client library. But you find out that every business class has created a reference for the DB client library. Now you have to update references of 60 assemblies instead of one :( Information leaking

The same thing happens when you expose internal logic to clients. For example, you have a function EnrollMember(string flag) you accept "A," "B" as valid flags and do some logic inside the function. When you want to change this function later, you cannot do it without informing the clients.


-> Encapsulation allows us to provide access to certain parts of an object, restricting, at the same time, access to others. In other words, encapsulation allows us to do information hiding.

-> Information hiding is actually the process or act of restricting

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