My objective is to restrict user to enter values only between the range of 1 to 100 in MS Excel cell.

I am programmatically generating Excel files, but when I add above validation Exception is thrown as Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC

code I've written is as below:

int[] arr = {1,100};
ExcelApp.get_Range(col1, col2).Cells.Validation.Add(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlDVType.xlValidateList, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlDVAlertStyle.xlValidAlertInformation, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFormatConditionOperator.xlBetween, arr, Type.Missing);

In above code ExcelApp is an object of Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass

Any help is really appreciated.

Jeremy Thompson
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love Computer science
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  • Check http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12714626/exception-from-hresult-0x800a03ec-error – Kamran Shahid Dec 17 '12 at 05:21
  • I had viewed this question before asking mine, but problem given in that question is different than mine, I think I am doing something wrong while passing arguments to method Validation.Add(); – love Computer science Dec 17 '12 at 05:27
  • Your code would be more concise if you added `using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel` to the top of the code file, and referred to the enumerations directly. – Zev Spitz Dec 17 '12 at 09:31

3 Answers3


You need to delete the cell validator before adding another one. Otherwise you will see the validation Exception is thrown as Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC


ExcelApp.get_Range("A1").Cells.Validation.Add(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlDVType.xlValidateList, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlDVAlertStyle.xlValidAlertInformation, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFormatConditionOperator.xlBetween, delimitedString1To100, Type.Missing);

If no cell validator exists (ie first time) then Deleting doesn't cause a problem, its safe to leave in.


The problem in the code was the variable arr contained two items 1 & 100. I'm guessing the XLFormatConditionOperator argument xlBetween in Validation.Add's parameter mislead us. To make it work for a argument XLDVType of xlValidateList the Formula1 argument needs to contain all the valid values 1,2,3...100:

var val = new Random();
var delimitedString1To100 = string.Join(",", (int[])Enumerable.Range(1, 100).ToArray());
for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++)
    using (var rnCells = xlApp.Range["A" + i.ToString()].WithComCleanup())
        rnCells.Resource.Value2 = val.Next(100);
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFormatConditionOperator.xlBetween, delimitedString1To100, Type.Missing);
Jeremy Thompson
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  • still giving the same exception as "Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC". Passing "(col1, col2)" as arguments for get_Range() is not an issue, as both variable contains cell addresses. – love Computer science Jan 01 '13 at 11:45
  • Please see my edit or try out the solution here http://temp-share.com/show/KdPf0mC9h (it contains the VSTO.Contrib ref's). Thanks for the bounty! – Jeremy Thompson Jan 02 '13 at 01:08
  • I know this is late but did it solve the problem? Apologies for the late edit after the bounty was awarded automatically, but this solution did work for me *and atleast 3 others*. Care to accept? Cheers – Jeremy Thompson Sep 05 '16 at 14:34

I don't think you can pass in a .NET array of integers. You need to pass in a comma-separated string, or a string reference to a worksheet range. From the docs:

xlValidateList - Formula1 is required; Formula2 is ignored. Formula1 must contain either a comma-delimited list of values or a worksheet reference to this list.

For example:

ExcelApp.get_Range(col1, col2).Cells.Validation.Add(
Zev Spitz
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what you want can be done by using macro, which can be assigned on cell value change. for incoperating macro to dynamically created excel visit http://www.eggheadcafe.com/articles/create_macro_at_runtime_in_dotnet.asp . i implemented the same sometimes ago and it is easier also.

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