My data looks like this, it's just an object, with two objects in it (each representing the data of a form).

Object {x__sf: Object, x__mx: Object}
  x__mx: Object
    country_id: "1"
    input1: ""
    input2: ""
  x__sf: Object

I think I'll have to make a temporary form in memory and submit that? I'm not sure a safe way of looping through my data and adding hidden fields to the temporary form. Is there a function for this? Or better way?

I want to do this, but have it actually submit the page, because there's redirect logic serverside.

$.post('/whatever.php', data);
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But what is the problem with the following approach?

Server side:

// do some stuff
print "/redirect/to.php";

Client side:

$.post("/whatever.php", data, function(data) {
    location.href = data;

Or even more advanced:

Server side:

// do some stuff
header("Content-Type: application/json");
print json_encode(array(
    "success" => "/redirect/to.php"

Client side:

$.post("/whatever.php", data, function(data) {
    if (data.success) {
        location.href = data.success;
}, "json");
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    +1, this is the approach I would use. As for a non-AJAX solution, however, this thread looks like what you want: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/133925/javascript-post-request-like-a-form-submit – user428517 Nov 19 '12 at 15:39
  • @sgroves I don't think that function will work for my multidimensional object though. – Farzher Nov 19 '12 at 15:51

Don't bother looping.... do something like this:

$('form').submit(function() {
  return false;

Or in you're case:

var data = $("#idOfForm").serialize();
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You just want to stringify your data before you send it:

$.post('/whatever.php', JSON.stringify(data));

On the server side, you need to use the PHP json_decode() function:

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