This is a code I found from this link Hidden Id With ComboBox Items?.

class ComboBoxItem

       string displayValue;
       public string hiddenValue;

       public ComboBoxItem (string d, string h)
            displayValue = d;
            hiddenValue = h;

       public string HiddenValue
               return hiddenValue;

       //Override ToString method
       public override string ToString()
            return displayValue;


Using the below code

ComboBox.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem("DisplayValue", "HiddenValue");

I was able to display the value that I expected to display. Lets say for example, I saved ComboBox.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem("Mike", "1");. It displays Mike in the combobox without a problem. But now what I need, is to take the corresponding hiddenvalue from the combobox.

For that, I ran the below code.

string hValue = ((ComboBoxItem)ComboBox.SelectedItem).HiddenValue;

But in the runtime, its throwing me an NullReferenceException. “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”

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