I think I want to store RoadRunner as source in my project repository. By adding a build file to the RoadRunner source code, I have created a generic build process. Does this count as modifying the project? The build file could be used by other projects to compile RoadRunner, but I don't know yet what those might be.

I think I want to store Apache Ant as binary outside my project repository. I don't think I'm going to modify Ant, I don't think I'm going to need more than one version, and I will probably use it to drive build processes in other projects.

The compile script below refers to the ant tool using the relative path apache-ant-1.8.4\bin\ant. I could install it in Program Files and add its bin directory to the path and just refer to ant instead.

I see Ant as an external dependency in the same way as I see Java. I've never had a compelling reason to store the exact Java distribution in my project repository.

In the interests of keeping all my dependencies in one place, I could keep a copy of the Apache Ant binaries in the repository. This is how the RoadRunner tool distributes its dependencies on NekoHTML, Xerces, and its own RoadRunner library. Taken to the extreme, I might include Java, Windows, and all my device drivers. Where is the appropriate dividing line?

Apache Ant

To compile the RoadRunner source, I chose Apache Ant as an automated build tool. It's easier than using command-line tricks to do recursive compilation with javac, and will provide more flexibility when I need it.

I don't want to modify Ant or examine its implementation, but I need it to execute a build script. In this case, the binary distribution is more convenient than the source distribution. I downloaded the version 1.8.4 binary archive into my own project's working directory, and unzipped the archive into a subdirectory called apache-ant-1.8.4.


RoadRunner is an experimental open-source tool written in Java for generating data-extraction wrappers for HTML. I want to use it in my own business intelligence project.

I want to study RoadRunner's implementation and might modify it to fit my needs. In this case, the source distibution is convenient. In any case, there is no binary distribution. I downloaded the version 0.02.11 source archive my own project's working directory, and unzipped the archive into a subdirectory called RoadRunner.

I adapted the Apache Ant example buildfile and added it to the RoadRunner directory. It looks like this:

<project name="RoadRunner" default="build" basedir=".">
        simple example build file
  <!-- set global properties for this build -->
  <property name="src" location="src/roadrunner"/>
  <property name="build" location="build"/>
  <property name="dist"  location="dist"/>

  <path id="lib">
    <!-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/722774/getting-ant-javac-to-recognise-a-classpath -->
    <fileset dir="lib">
      <include name="*.jar"/>

  <target name="init">
    <!-- Create the time stamp -->
    <!-- Create the build directory structure used by build -->
    <mkdir dir="${build}"/>

  <target name="build" depends="init"
        description="build the source " >
    <!-- Compile the java code from ${src} into ${build} -->
    <javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}" classpathref="lib"/>

  <target name="dist" depends="build"
        description="generate the distribution" >
    <!-- Create the distribution directory -->
    <mkdir dir="${dist}/lib"/>

    <!-- Put everything in ${build} into the MyProject-${DSTAMP}.jar file -->
    <jar jarfile="${dist}/lib/MyProject-${DSTAMP}.jar" basedir="${build}"/>

  <target name="clean"
        description="clean up" >
    <!-- Delete the ${build} and ${dist} directory trees -->
    <delete dir="${build}"/>
    <delete dir="${dist}"/>

Compiling RoadRunner

Now I can compile RoadRunner from the root of my project directory using a command like this:

apache-ant-1.8.4\bin\ant -buildfile RoadRunner\build.xml

The output is a set of class files in the new RoadRunner\build directory.

I've saved this command into a batch script called Compile RoadRunner.bat.

I think I should commit at least the Ant project and the batch script into my project, but I'm unsure about the rest.

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Iain Samuel McLean Elder
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1 Answers1


By adding a build file to the RoadRunner source code, I have created a generic build process. Does this count as modifying the project?

Yes, it does

Anything that helps reproduce the build is part of the project history.
Anything that is generated or already built (like a third-party library) should be stored outside the source control referential (ideally, in an artifact repository like Nexus), and only declared in a build file.

In your case, commit whatever you need in order for another developer to be able to:

  • clone
  • launch the build (which will find al the necessary dependencies)
  • test the resulting delivery produced by said build.
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