I'm trying to write a converter for my selectonemenu list so the list that i want to display can be retrieved from a managedBean's getter getDatasetList() . My managedBean is viewScoped.

here's the code of the converter:

@FacesConverter(value = "datasetConverter")
public class DatasetConverter implements Converter{

private ProjectCampaignManagementMB campaignManagementMB;

public Object getAsObject(FacesContext context, UIComponent component,
        String value) {

     List <DataSet>  datasetList=campaignManagementMB.getDatasetList();

     DataSet dataSet;
     String dataSetName;
     if (datasetList!=null){
            for(int i=0 ;i<datasetList.size();i++)

            if  (dataSetName.equals(value))
                return dataSet;
            System.out.println("getasobject dataset"+dataSet.getName());
            return null;

public String getAsString(FacesContext context, UIComponent component,
        Object value) {

 if (value==null) return ""; 
    System.out.println("getastring dataset"+((DataSet) value).getName());
 return ((DataSet) value).getName();

But i'm getting a java.lang.NullPointerException on this line

  List <DataSet>  datasetList=campaignManagementMB.getDatasetList();

So the injected managedBean is Null,

i tried something that has no sense but it works ,but i want something correct . i used this

private ProjectCampaignManagementMB campaignManagementMB =
    new ProjectCampaignManagementMB();

instead of

private ProjectCampaignManagementMB campaignManagementMB

Any help will be appreciated

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  • Why would you want to inject the managed bean in your converter? It would be better to show your functional requirement because this can be a design problem. – Luiggi Mendoza Oct 27 '12 at 17:02

2 Answers2


When you want to use managed properties inside your convertor make your convertor a managed bean, like this

public class DatasetConverter implements Converter{

Than to use it as convertor in your xhtml page just use binding

like this

<h:inputText converter="#{datasetConverter}"
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I had a similar problem some time ago and I remember that @Inject did not work for me with the converter. What helped me was directly looking up the bean with its JNDI name. Something along this lines:

Context context = new InitialContext();  
BeanClass bean = context.lookup("yours bean jndi");

If you are using JBoss you can see the beans JNDI on the server startup.

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