I am trying to write struct Fraction that does basic operations at compile time. Note that this does not serve any real purpose - I do this as an exercise only.

I started off with this:

namespace internal
    // Euclid algorithm
    template <int A, int B>
    struct gcd
        static int const value = gcd<B, A % B>::value;

    // Specialization to terminate recursion
    template <int A>
    struct gcd<A, 0>
        static int const value = A;

template <int Numerator, int Denominator>
struct Fraction
    // Numerator and denominator simplified
    static int const numerator = Numerator / internal::gcd<Numerator, Denominator>::value;
    static int const denominator = Denominator / internal::gcd<Numerator, Denominator>::value;

    // Add another fraction
    template <class Other> struct add
        typedef Fraction<
            Numerator * Other::denominator + Other::numerator * Denominator,
            Denominator * Other::denominator
        > type;

This compiles and works: Fraction<1,2>::add< Fraction<1,3> >::type will be Fraction<5,6>. Now I tried to add subtraction:

template <class Other>
struct sub
    typedef typename Fraction<Numerator, Denominator>::add<
        Fraction<-Other::numerator, Other::denominator>
    >::type type;

But I get a compiler error I do not understand:

Error: "typename Fraction<Numerator, Denominator>::add" uses "template<int Numerator, int Denominator> template <class Other> struct Fraction::add" which is not a type

Can someone explain to me what the compiler is saying, and why I am not allowed to do what I want? I am using g++ 4.4.6 by the way.

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1 Answers1


Use template keyword.

template <class Other>
struct sub
    typedef typename Fraction<Numerator, Denominator>::template add<
        Fraction<-Other::numerator, -Other::denominator>
    >::type type;


Read this Where and why do I have to put the "template" and "typename" keywords? for better explanations.

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