I have had a go at implementing lazy loader on my site. See the sandbox here:


the following text was added to my isotope to make this work (along wit the necessary html and linking to the library from the header):

    event : 'scroll',
    effect : 'fadeIn',
    appear: function(){

This appears to work fine in firefox, but is a total fail in IE (i tested with version 8) - just displaying grey boxes.

  1. how do I fix this to work in IE? (at least version 8 or greater)

  2. is there a way to setup lazyloader so that it degrades nicely?

FYI I used these links to figure out how to implement this: http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload

Combining jQuery Isotope and Lazy Load



EDIT: i remove the line that was trying to write to the console above. Any other suggestions on fixing the other script errors I am getting?

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  • Just tried that link in IE7 and the first issue I found is that you have something being written to `console`. There is no such thing in IE so that will always break. Remove the `console` statements and see if it works. Besides that your design is broken in other places in IE7. – sarcastyx Oct 22 '12 at 07:22
  • i removed the line writing to the console. thanks. Any suggestions on what is causing the other errors? – Gearu Oct 22 '12 at 07:45

1 Answers1


Works fine for me in IE now that you removed console but you still have a js error. I am not certain why that error is occuring, maybe it's the jQuery.noConflict();


SCRIPT5002: Function expected 
animate-bg.js, line 8 character 1


Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function animate-bg.js:71 (anonymous function)

To answer the second question..

is there a way to setup lazyloader so that it degrades nicely?

You could follow the instructions "Fallback for Non JavaScript Browsers". Which is basically to setup code for images like this:

<img class="lazy" src="img/grey.gif" data-original="img/example.jpg"  width="640" heigh="480">
<noscript><img src="img/example.jpg" width="640" heigh="480"></noscript>

Then add some CSS to hide

 .lazy { display: none; }

When the page's jquery loads immediately call something like this to show the images again.

Anthony Hatzopoulos
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