I am writing a very simple udp socket connection in Python 2.7

The server side is up and running. I have trouble on the client side.

from socket import *

serverName = ''
serverPort = 5444
counter = 1;

while counter < 55:
    mySocket = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM)

        message = raw_input('')
        mySocket.sendto(message,(serverName, serverPort))
        modifiedMessage, serverAddress = mySocket.recvfrom(1024)
    except mySocket.timeout:
        print 'Request timed out!'
        print 'Server Response:  '
        print modifiedMessage   


I am getting the following error. except mySocket.timeout: AttributeError: '_socketobject' object has no attribute 'timeout'

I can't understand how come there is no timeout attribute?!

In fact I am looking at the intelisense and there is no such attribute too.

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated

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  • Check this thread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3432102/python-socket-connection-timeout – ronak Oct 16 '12 at 01:28

2 Answers2


The socket module has a timeout class. Your socket object, mysocket (of type socket.socket), does not have a timeout attribute.

Try this:

except timeout:
    print 'Request timed out!'

Note that you should also be careful about using import * in this manner.

John Lyon
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I have python 2.7 and it works for me on ipython

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Python 2.7.2 (default, Apr 17 2012, 22:01:25) 
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In [1]: from socket import *

In [2]: mySocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)

In [3]: mySocket.

mySocket.accept         mySocket.dup            mySocket.getsockopt     mySocket.recv           mySocket.sendall        mySocket.shutdown
mySocket.bind           mySocket.family         mySocket.gettimeout     mySocket.recv_into      mySocket.sendto         mySocket.type
mySocket.close          mySocket.fileno         mySocket.listen         mySocket.recvfrom       mySocket.setblocking    
mySocket.connect        mySocket.getpeername    mySocket.makefile       mySocket.recvfrom_into  mySocket.setsockopt     
mySocket.connect_ex     mySocket.getsockname    mySocket.proto          mySocket.send           mySocket.settimeout     

In [3]: mySocket.
mySocket.accept         mySocket.dup            mySocket.getsockopt     mySocket.recv           mySocket.sendall        mySocket.shutdown
mySocket.bind           mySocket.family         mySocket.gettimeout     mySocket.recv_into      mySocket.sendto         mySocket.type
mySocket.close          mySocket.fileno         mySocket.listen         mySocket.recvfrom       mySocket.setblocking    
mySocket.connect        mySocket.getpeername    mySocket.makefile       mySocket.recvfrom_into  mySocket.setsockopt     
mySocket.connect_ex     mySocket.getsockname    mySocket.proto          mySocket.send           mySocket.settimeout     

In [3]: mySocket.set
mySocket.setblocking  mySocket.setsockopt   mySocket.settimeout   

In [3]: mySocket.set
mySocket.setblocking  mySocket.setsockopt   mySocket.settimeout   

In [3]: mySocket.settimeout(1.0)

In [4]: 
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  • Thank you ronak for your input. Do you have any suggestions why it does not work for me? – nej Oct 16 '12 at 01:54