My situation is as follow:

I want to know if it is possible to have an (Custom) ListView with an linear layout in it, where in the Linear layout another ListView. What I want to accomplish is an List of object with in it an list of object with an list of object. That means that the list goes 3 category(level) down. Company have several Establishments in it and Establishment have several Departments in it. I will try to sketch it.

[ Company] //ListView
        [ Establishment]  //ListView
        [/ Establishment]
[/ Company]

I have a main class and an Adapter class for every Object (Company, Establishment and Departments).

I know how to make an ListView and retrieve data to display it in the ListView. But I don't know yet how to use it when you have to go down in hierarchy of another ListView or when you have ListViews that relates to each other. Maybe I should use an Expandable ListView(But I don't want the collapse/expand behavior) It have to look like a ListView, maybe an Linear layout that behave like an ListView. Or use section headers to present the data as I want to.

Well on my question I ended up using an ExpandableListView with an GridView.

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