I am looking to develop a java REST web service to work with my android app that I am also developing and I have been trying to look for the best option to host the service and everything I find seems to lead me in a different direction.

Can anyone give me advice on what the best way to host a java REST web service would be? I can do linux or windows and am relatively familiar with the lamp stack and IIS.

Thank you

3 Answers3


I would suggest looking at the Google App Engine for hosting, and writing the service in Java. I just set up a few services that way for an app I'm working on and it was fast and easy, and currently it's free of charge for a very generous limited usage.

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So if you are familiar with the lamp stack why not using php for the REST service? Check out zend's REST implementation.

Charley Rathkopf
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Exposing REST type access to resources persisted as JPA entities is very straightforward with Play! framework:

Hosting: Heroku ( http://www.heroku.com ) supports Java as a language (as well as Ruby, Node.js, Clojure, Python, and Scala), and Play! as a framework, making it a good candidate in case you are going the Play! route;-) ... though obviously not the only use case.

Development life-cycle: This overview and this tutorial should give you a pretty good feel of the development life-cycle with git and Heroku+Play; if coming from "regular" Java tooling type of environments, you may find this approach refreshing.

IDE integration: Play! has plugins for NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse ( http://www.playframework.org/documentation/1.2/ide )

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