I would like to implement a mask for a text input field which accepts a date. The masked value should display directly inside of the input.

Something like this:

<input type='text' value='____/__/__'>

I wrote the mask as a value in that example, but my intent is to allow people to write a date without typing / or - to separate months, years and days. The user should be able to enter numbers into the displayed field, while the mask enforces the format automatically as the user types.

I have seen this behavior on other sites, but I have no idea how it works or how to implement it myself.

Alexander Abakumov
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Stanislas Piotrowski
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  • I had the same issues but saw some interesting stuff and wanted to share. I customized mine to feature my country code at `+237 ---,---,---`. That white spaces are just a series of underscore(`_`). If you country numbers are `+1 777 888 990` just write `+1 ___,___,___`(3 underscores joint). http://nishangsystem.com/nishang_stuff/ – Ni shang Jul 02 '18 at 14:18

10 Answers10


Input masks can be implemented using a combination of the keyup event, and the HTMLInputElement value, selectionStart, and selectionEnd properties. Here's a very simple implementation which does some of what you want. It's certainly not perfect, but works well enough to demonstrate the principle:

Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.body.querySelectorAll("*[data-mask]"), applyDataMask);

function applyDataMask(field) {
    var mask = field.dataset.mask.split('');
    // For now, this just strips everything that's not a number
    function stripMask(maskedData) {
        function isDigit(char) {
            return /\d/.test(char);
        return maskedData.split('').filter(isDigit);
    // Replace `_` characters with characters from `data`
    function applyMask(data) {
        return mask.map(function(char) {
            if (char != '_') return char;
            if (data.length == 0) return char;
            return data.shift();
    function reapplyMask(data) {
        return applyMask(stripMask(data));
    function changed() {   
        var oldStart = field.selectionStart;
        var oldEnd = field.selectionEnd;
        field.value = reapplyMask(field.value);
        field.selectionStart = oldStart;
        field.selectionEnd = oldEnd;
    field.addEventListener('click', changed)
    field.addEventListener('keyup', changed)
ISO Date: <input type="text" value="____-__-__" data-mask="____-__-__"/><br/>
Telephone: <input type="text" value="(___) ___-____" data-mask="(___) ___-____"/><br/>

(View in JSFiddle)

There are also a number of libraries out there which perform this function. Some examples include:

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    The cursor shifts to left when it goes over some char in the mask (e.g. hyphen or bracket) – Andree Sep 02 '15 at 11:05
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    @Andree Correct, that's one of the reasons why I said "it's certainly not perfect, but works well enough to demonstrate the principle". A real-world implementation would need to be more complicated in order to account for edge cases like that which degrade the user experience. – Ajedi32 Sep 03 '15 at 14:19
  • Is there a reason to use `keyup` instead of the `keydown` event? – fbynite Mar 20 '16 at 20:48
  • @fbynite I don't really remember now, but I think it was because they keydown event is fired before the content of the text box is even updated. So you can use keydown if you want, but you'll then have to use `event.preventDefault()` and update the contents of the box with the script itself. For a simple example like the one in my answer I thought that was a bit complex, so I used keyup instead. – Ajedi32 Mar 20 '16 at 21:06
  • For any integration on production environment - I recommend using `jquery.inputmask` that you referenced. This is not a trivial task & it's much better to use a dedicated solution for this than tailoring something by yourself. – BornToCode Jul 07 '20 at 15:05
  • Another library is [jQuery Mask Plugin](https://github.com/igorescobar/jQuery-Mask-Plugin). A WordPress plugin that embeds a minimized version of the jQuery Mask Plugin is [Masks Form Fields](https://github.com/igorescobar/jQuery-Mask-Plugin). It enables the JS, and creates classes, so it can easily be added to a Contact Form 7 input field. A CDN link and sample script tag for the jQuery Mask Plugin is listed [here](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/jquery.mask). – SherylHohman Oct 05 '20 at 22:04
  • Another one on github, which has great instructions on how to use it. However, like many other code samples out there, nay edits the user makes to the input gets added to the END of the input, not where the cursor is. [Input Masking](https://github.com/estelle/input-masking) by estelle. Hence, I recommend jQuery Mask Plugin, from my previous comment. UX is as expected - seamless for the user. – SherylHohman Oct 05 '20 at 22:20

A solution that responds to the input event instead of key events (like keyup) will give a smooth experience (no wiggles), and also works when changes are made without the keyboard (context menu, mouse drag, other device...).

The code below will look for input elements that have both a placeholder attribute and a data-slots attribute. The latter should define the character(s) in the placeholder that is/are intended as input slot, for example, "_". An optional data-accept attribute can be provided with a regular expression that defines which characters are allowed in such a slot. The default is \d, i.e. digits.

// This code empowers all input tags having a placeholder and data-slots attribute
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    for (const el of document.querySelectorAll("[placeholder][data-slots]")) {
        const pattern = el.getAttribute("placeholder"),
            slots = new Set(el.dataset.slots || "_"),
            prev = (j => Array.from(pattern, (c,i) => slots.has(c)? j=i+1: j))(0),
            first = [...pattern].findIndex(c => slots.has(c)),
            accept = new RegExp(el.dataset.accept || "\\d", "g"),
            clean = input => {
                input = input.match(accept) || [];
                return Array.from(pattern, c =>
                    input[0] === c || slots.has(c) ? input.shift() || c : c
            format = () => {
                const [i, j] = [el.selectionStart, el.selectionEnd].map(i => {
                    i = clean(el.value.slice(0, i)).findIndex(c => slots.has(c));
                    return i<0? prev[prev.length-1]: back? prev[i-1] || first: i;
                el.value = clean(el.value).join``;
                el.setSelectionRange(i, j);
                back = false;
        let back = false;
        el.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => back = e.key === "Backspace");
        el.addEventListener("input", format);
        el.addEventListener("focus", format);
        el.addEventListener("blur", () => el.value === pattern && (el.value=""));
[data-slots] { font-family: monospace }
<label>Date time: 
    <input placeholder="dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm" data-slots="dmyh">
    <input placeholder="+1 (___) ___-____" data-slots="_">
<label>MAC Address:
    <input placeholder="XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" data-slots="X" data-accept="[\dA-H]">
    <input placeholder="__-__-__-____" data-slots="_" data-accept="\w" size="13">
<label>Credit Card:
    <input placeholder=".... .... .... ...." data-slots="." data-accept="\d" size="19">
    <input placeholder="__-__-__-____" data-slots="_" data-accept="\w" size="13">
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    Besides being really smooth and not interfering with caret movement with arrows, Home and End, this solution behaves as one would expect when typing with the caret in the middle of the string. – andref Mar 03 '20 at 20:21

After reading all post, I did my own implementation, I hope to help to someone:

The idea is,

  1. allow entry only numbers. (keypress event)
  2. get all numbers in a array
  3. replace every "_" character of mask by a number from array in a loop

Improvements are welcome.

 * charCode [48,57]  Numbers 0 to 9
 * keyCode 46     "delete"
 * keyCode 9     "tab"
 * keyCode 13     "enter"
 * keyCode 116    "F5"
 * keyCode 8     "backscape"
 * keyCode 37,38,39,40 Arrows
 * keyCode 10   (LF)
function validate_int(myEvento) {
  if ((myEvento.charCode >= 48 && myEvento.charCode <= 57) || myEvento.keyCode == 9 || myEvento.keyCode == 10 || myEvento.keyCode == 13 || myEvento.keyCode == 8 || myEvento.keyCode == 116 || myEvento.keyCode == 46 || (myEvento.keyCode <= 40 && myEvento.keyCode >= 37)) {
    dato = true;
  } else {
    dato = false;
  return dato;

function phone_number_mask() {
  var myMask = "(___) ___-____";
  var myCaja = document.getElementById("phone");
  var myText = "";
  var myNumbers = [];
  var myOutPut = ""
  var theLastPos = 1;
  myText = myCaja.value;
  //get numbers
  for (var i = 0; i < myText.length; i++) {
    if (!isNaN(myText.charAt(i)) && myText.charAt(i) != " ") {
  //write over mask
  for (var j = 0; j < myMask.length; j++) {
    if (myMask.charAt(j) == "_") { //replace "_" by a number 
      if (myNumbers.length == 0)
        myOutPut = myOutPut + myMask.charAt(j);
      else {
        myOutPut = myOutPut + myNumbers.shift();
        theLastPos = j + 1; //set caret position
    } else {
      myOutPut = myOutPut + myMask.charAt(j);
  document.getElementById("phone").value = myOutPut;
  document.getElementById("phone").setSelectionRange(theLastPos, theLastPos);

document.getElementById("phone").onkeypress = validate_int;
document.getElementById("phone").onkeyup = phone_number_mask;
<input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" placeholder="(123) 456-7890" required="required" title="e.g (123) 456-7890" pattern="^\([0-9]{3}\)\s[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$">
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Rodney Salcedo
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  • I will make the function name generic and use similar logic that Ajedi32 used and get the mask from the "data-mask" attribute. This way you are not only masking for phone number but any type that is supplied in the data-mask attribute – programmerboy May 29 '17 at 19:01
  • I want to post number without masking. is it possible – Sam Dec 01 '18 at 09:43
  • @Sam you could store the number in another input (could be hidden), parse the the masked value before submit event or better parse the masked value on the server side – Rodney Salcedo Dec 05 '18 at 15:37

You can achieve this also by using JavaScripts's native method. Its pretty simple and doesn't require any extra library to import.

<input type="text" name="date" placeholder="yyyy-mm-dd" onkeyup="
  var date = this.value;
  if (date.match(/^\d{4}$/) !== null) {
     this.value = date + '-';
  } else if (date.match(/^\d{4}\-\d{2}$/) !== null) {
     this.value = date + '-';
  }" maxlength="10">
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You can also try my implementation, which doesn't have delay after each key press when typing the contents, and has full support for backspace and delete.

You can try it online: https://jsfiddle.net/qmyo6a1h/1/

      <input type="text" id="phone" placeholder="123-5678-1234" title="123-5678-1234" input-mask="___-____-____">
      <input type="button" onClick="showValue_phone()" value="Show Value" />
      <input type="text" id="console_phone" />
        function InputMask(element) {
          var self = this;

          self.element = element;

          self.mask = element.attributes["input-mask"].nodeValue;

          self.inputBuffer = "";

          self.cursorPosition = 0;

          self.bufferCursorPosition = 0;

          self.dataLength = getDataLength();

          function getDataLength() {
            var ret = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < self.mask.length; i++) {
              if (self.mask.charAt(i) == "_") {

            return ret;

          self.keyEventHandler = function (obj) {


          self.updateBufferPosition = function () {
            var selectionStart = self.element.selectionStart;
            self.bufferCursorPosition = self.displayPosToBufferPos(selectionStart);
            console.log("self.bufferCursorPosition==" + self.bufferCursorPosition);

          self.onClick = function () {

          self.updateBuffer = function (obj) {
            if (obj.keyCode == 8) {
              self.inputBuffer = self.inputBuffer.substring(0, self.bufferCursorPosition - 1) + self.inputBuffer.substring(self.bufferCursorPosition);
            else if (obj.keyCode == 46) {
              self.inputBuffer = self.inputBuffer.substring(0, self.bufferCursorPosition) + self.inputBuffer.substring(self.bufferCursorPosition + 1);
            else if (obj.keyCode >= 37 && obj.keyCode <= 40) {
              //do nothing on cursor keys.
            else {
              var selectionStart = self.element.selectionStart;
              var bufferCursorPosition = self.displayPosToBufferPos(selectionStart);
              self.inputBuffer = self.inputBuffer.substring(0, bufferCursorPosition) + String.fromCharCode(obj.which) + self.inputBuffer.substring(bufferCursorPosition);
              if (self.inputBuffer.length > self.dataLength) {
                self.inputBuffer = self.inputBuffer.substring(0, self.dataLength);

          self.manageCursor = function (obj) {
            if (obj.keyCode == 8) {
            else if (obj.keyCode == 46) {
              //do nothing on delete key.
            else if (obj.keyCode >= 37 && obj.keyCode <= 40) {
              if (obj.keyCode == 37) {
              else if (obj.keyCode == 39) {
            else {
              var bufferCursorPosition = self.displayPosToBufferPos(self.element.selectionStart);
              self.bufferCursorPosition = bufferCursorPosition + 1;

          self.setCursorByBuffer = function (bufferCursorPosition) {
            var displayCursorPos = self.bufferPosToDisplayPos(bufferCursorPosition);
            self.element.setSelectionRange(displayCursorPos, displayCursorPos);

          self.moveCursor = function () {

          self.render = function () {
            var bufferCopy = self.inputBuffer;
            var ret = {
              muskifiedValue: ""

            var lastChar = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < self.mask.length; i++) {
              if (self.mask.charAt(i) == "_" &&
                bufferCopy) {
                ret.muskifiedValue += bufferCopy.charAt(0);
                bufferCopy = bufferCopy.substr(1);
                lastChar = i;
              else {
                ret.muskifiedValue += self.mask.charAt(i);

            self.element.value = ret.muskifiedValue;


          self.preceedingMaskCharCount = function (displayCursorPos) {
            var lastCharIndex = 0;
            var ret = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < self.element.value.length; i++) {
              if (self.element.value.charAt(i) == "_"
                || i > displayCursorPos - 1) {
                lastCharIndex = i;

            if (self.mask.charAt(lastCharIndex - 1) != "_") {
              var i = lastCharIndex - 1;
              while (self.mask.charAt(i) != "_") {
                if (i < 0) break;

            return ret;

          self.leadingMaskCharCount = function (displayIndex) {
            var ret = 0;

            for (var i = displayIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
              if (i >= self.mask.length) {
              if (self.mask.charAt(i) != "_") {

            return ret;

          self.bufferPosToDisplayPos = function (bufferIndex) {
            var offset = 0;
            var indexInBuffer = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < self.mask.length; i++) {
              if (indexInBuffer > bufferIndex) {

              if (self.mask.charAt(i) != "_") {

            var ret = bufferIndex + offset;

            return ret;

          self.displayPosToBufferPos = function (displayIndex) {
            var offset = 0;
            var indexInBuffer = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < self.mask.length && i <= displayIndex; i++) {
              if (indexInBuffer >= self.inputBuffer.length) {

              if (self.mask.charAt(i) != "_") {


            return displayIndex - offset;

          self.getValue = function () {
            return this.inputBuffer;
          self.element.onkeypress = self.keyEventHandler;
          self.element.onclick = self.onClick;

        function InputMaskManager() {
          var self = this;

          self.instances = {};

          self.add = function (id) {
            var elem = document.getElementById(id);
            var maskInstance = new InputMask(elem);
            self.instances[id] = maskInstance;

          self.getValue = function (id) {
            return self.instances[id].getValue();

          document.onkeydown = function (obj) {
            if (obj.target.attributes["input-mask"]) {
              if (obj.keyCode == 8 ||
                obj.keyCode == 46 ||
                (obj.keyCode >= 37 && obj.keyCode <= 40)) {

                if (obj.keyCode == 8 || obj.keyCode == 46) {

                //needs to broadcast to all instances here:
                var keys = Object.keys(self.instances);
                for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
                  if (self.instances[keys[i]].element.id == obj.target.id) {

        //Initialize an instance of InputMaskManager and
        //add masker instances by passing in the DOM ids
        //of each HTML counterpart.
        var maskMgr = new InputMaskManager();

        function showValue_phone() {
          document.getElementById("console_phone").value = maskMgr.getValue("phone");

Cecilk Cao
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I wrote a similar solution some time ago.
Of course it's just a PoC and can be improved further.

This solution covers the following features:

  • Seamless character input
  • Pattern customization
  • Live validation while you typing
  • Full date validation (including correct days in each month and a leap year consideration)
  • Descriptive errors, so the user will understand what is going on while he is unable to type a character
  • Fix cursor position and prevent selections
  • Show placeholder if the value is empty

const pattern = "__/__/____";
const patternFreeChar = "_";
const validDate = [

 * Validate a date as your type.
 * @param {string} date The date in format DDMMYYYY as a string representation.
 * @throws {Error} When the date is invalid.
function validateStartTypingDate(date) {
  if ( !date ) return "";
  date = date.substr(0, 8);
  if ( !/^\d+$/.test(date) )
   throw new Error("Please type numbers only");
 if ( !validDate[Math.min(date.length-1,validDate.length-1)].test(date) ) {
    let errMsg = "";
    switch ( date.length ) {
     case 1:
       throw new Error("Day in month can start only with 0, 1, 2 or 3");
     case 2:
       throw new Error("Day in month must be in a range between 01 and 31");
     case 3:
       throw new Error("Month can start only with 0 or 1");
     case 4: {
       const day = parseInt(date.substr(0,2));
       const month = parseInt(date.substr(2,2));
        const monthName = new Date(0,month-1).toLocaleString('en-us',{month:'long'});
        if ( month < 1 || month > 12 )
         throw new Error("Month number must be in a range between 01 and 12");
        if ( day > 30 && [4,6,9,11].includes(month) )
         throw new Error(`${monthName} have maximum 30 days`);
        if ( day > 29 && month === 2 )
         throw new Error(`${monthName} have maximum 29 days`);
      case 5:
      case 6:
       throw new Error("We support only years between 1900 and 2099, so the full year can start only with 19 or 20");
  if ( date.length === 8 ) {
   const day = parseInt(date.substr(0,2));
    const month = parseInt(date.substr(2,2));
    const year = parseInt(date.substr(4,4));
    const monthName = new Date(0,month-1).toLocaleString('en-us',{month:'long'});
    if ( !isLeap(year) && month === 2 && day === 29 )
      throw new Error(`The year you are trying to enter (${year}) is not a leap year. Thus, in this year, ${monthName} can have maximum 28 days`);
  return date;

 * Check whether the given year is a leap year.
function isLeap(year) {
  return new Date(year, 1, 29).getDate() === 29;

 * Move cursor to the end of the provided input element.
function moveCursorToEnd(el) {
 if (typeof el.selectionStart == "number") {
  el.selectionStart = el.selectionEnd = el.value.length;
 } else if (typeof el.createTextRange != "undefined") {
  var range = el.createTextRange();

 * Move cursor to the end of the self input element.
function selfMoveCursorToEnd() {
 return moveCursorToEnd(this);

const input = document.querySelector("input")

input.addEventListener("keydown", function(event){
  document.getElementById("date-error-msg").innerText = "";
  // On digit pressed
  let inputMemory = this.dataset.inputMemory || "";
  if ( event.key.length === 1 ) {
    try {
      inputMemory = validateStartTypingDate(inputMemory + event.key);
    } catch (err) {
      document.getElementById("date-error-msg").innerText = err.message;
  // On backspace pressed
  if ( event.code === "Backspace" ) {
   inputMemory = inputMemory.slice(0, -1);
  // Build an output using a pattern
  if ( this.dataset.inputMemory !== inputMemory ) {
   let output = pattern;
   for ( let i=0, digit; i<inputMemory.length, digit=inputMemory[i]; i++ ) {
     output = output.replace(patternFreeChar, digit);
    this.dataset.inputMemory = inputMemory;
    this.value = output;
  // Clean the value if the memory is empty
  if ( inputMemory === "" ) {
   this.value = "";
}, false);

input.addEventListener('select', selfMoveCursorToEnd, false);
input.addEventListener('mousedown', selfMoveCursorToEnd, false);
input.addEventListener('mouseup', selfMoveCursorToEnd, false);
input.addEventListener('click', selfMoveCursorToEnd, false);
<input type="text" placeholder="DD/MM/YYYY" />
<div id="date-error-msg"></div>

A link to jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/d1xbpw8f/56/

Good luck!

Slavik Meltser
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  • Moving the cursor to the end disallows the user to use left/right arrow keys, or select some of the text with the mouse, for instance to copy it. I personally do not find that user-friendly. – trincot Jan 14 '21 at 18:25
Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.body.querySelectorAll("*[data-mask]"), applyDataMask);

function applyDataMask(field) {
    var mask = field.dataset.mask.split('');

    // For now, this just strips everything that's not a number
    function stripMask(maskedData) {
        function isDigit(char) {
            return /\d/.test(char);
        return maskedData.split('').filter(isDigit);

    // Replace `_` characters with characters from `data`
    function applyMask(data) {
        return mask.map(function(char) {
            if (char != '_') return char;
            if (data.length == 0) return char;
            return data.shift();

    function reapplyMask(data) {
        return applyMask(stripMask(data));

    function changed() {   
        var oldStart = field.selectionStart;
        var oldEnd = field.selectionEnd;

        field.value = reapplyMask(field.value);

        field.selectionStart = oldStart;
        field.selectionEnd = oldEnd;

    field.addEventListener('click', changed)
    field.addEventListener('keyup', changed)
Date: <input type="text" value="__-__-____" data-mask="__-__-____"/><br/>
Telephone: <input type="text" value="(___) ___-____" data-mask="(___) ___-____"/><br/>

Below i describe my method. I set event on input in input, to call Masking() method, which will return an formatted string of that we insert in input.


<input name="phone" pattern="+373 __ ___ ___" class="masked" required>

JQ: Here we set event on input:

$('.masked').on('input', function () {
    var input = $(this);
    input.val(Masking(input.val(), input.attr('pattern')));

JS: Function, which will format string by pattern;

function Masking (value, pattern) {
var out = '';
var space = ' ';
var any = '_';

for (var i = 0, j = 0; j < value.length; i++, j++) {
    if (value[j] === pattern[i]) {
        out += value[j];
    else if(pattern[i] === any && value[j] !== space) {
        out += value[j];
    else if(pattern[i] === space && value[j] !== space) {
        out += space;
    else if(pattern[i] !== any && pattern[i] !== space) {
        out += pattern[i];

return out;
Dumitru Boaghi
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I taken from this thread decision Implement an input with a mask and adapted it for IE10, and added setter- and getter- functions.


    var el_arr = document.querySelectorAll("[placeholder][data-slots]");
    for (var el_ind=0; el_ind < el_arr.length; el_ind++ ){
        var el = el_arr[el_ind];
        var pattern = el.getAttribute("placeholder"),
            slots = new Set(el.getAttribute("data-slots") || "_"),
            prev = function(j){return Array.from(pattern, function(c,i){ return slots.has(c)? j=i+1: j;});}(0),
            first = pattern.split('').findIndex(function(c){return slots.has(c);} ),
            accept = new RegExp(el.getAttribute("data-accept") || "\\d", "g"),
            clean = function(input){input = input.match(accept) || [];return Array.from(pattern, function(c){return input[0] === c || slots.has(c) ? input.shift() || c : c;});},
            format = function(){
                var elem = this;
                var i_j_arr = [el.selectionStart, el.selectionEnd].map(function(i){
                    i = clean(el.value.slice(0, i)).findIndex(function(c){ return slots.has(c);});
                    return i<0? prev[prev.length-1]: elem.back? prev[i-1] || first: i;
                el.value = clean(el.value).join('');
                el.setSelectionRange(i_j_arr[0], i_j_arr[1]);
                this.back = false;
            // sdo added
            get_masked_value = function(){
                var input = this.value;
                var ret=[];
                for(var k in pattern){
                    if ( !input[k] )break;
                    if( slots.has(pattern[k]) && input[k]!=pattern[k]){
                return ret.join('');
            set_masked_value = function(input){
                var ret=[];
                var index_in_value = 0;
                for(var k in pattern){
                    if( slots.has(pattern[k]) && input[index_in_value]){
                this.value = ret.join('');
        el.get_masked_value = get_masked_value;
        el.set_masked_value = set_masked_value;
        el.back = false;
        el.addEventListener("keydown", function(event){ this.back = event.key === "Backspace";});
        el.addEventListener("input", format);
        el.addEventListener("focus", format);
        el.addEventListener("blur", function() { return el.value === pattern && (el.value=""); });

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Use this to implement mask:


<input id="phn-number" class="ant-input" type="text" placeholder="(XXX) XXX-XXXX" data-inputmask-mask="(999) 999-9999">

jQuery( '#phn-number[data-inputmask-mask]' ).inputmask();