Possible Duplicate:
Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords?

I have a class that creates a smart pointer when creating a object and passing the desired class as template parameter. And I have another class that needs to use that smart pointer in another class.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//smart pointer class

template<typename T>
class IntrusivePtr
        cout << "IntrusivePtr()";

//class for which I need a smart pointer which is also template

template<typename T>
class A
        cout << "A()";
    typedef IntrusivePtr< A<T> > my_ptr;

//class that uses the smart pointer.

template<typename T>
class B
        cout << "B()";

    typedef A<T>::my_ptr x;

int main()
    B<int> ob;

    return 0;

Can this be achieved in c++? I know the new C++11 supports typedefs for things like this but I'm using the old standard :( Compiling this I'm getting some bad ass errors:

C:\Users\jacob\typedef_template_class-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-_MSVC2008__Qt_SDK__Debug..\typedef_template_class\main.cpp:41: error: C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'x'

C:\Users\jacob\typedef_template_class-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-_MSVC2008__Qt_SDK__Debug..\typedef_template_class\main.cpp:41: error: C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'x'

C:\Users\jacob\typedef_template_class-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-_MSVC2008__Qt_SDK__Debug..\typedef_template_class\main.cpp:41: error: C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int

EDIT: Sorry, I changed some things and the error code. This is how I want it to be. Sorry

Jacob Krieg
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2 Answers2

template<typename T>
class B
        cout << "B()";

    typedef typename A< B >::my_ptr x;

You should use typename, since my_prt is dependent name.

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Your problem is that A<B>::my_ptr is a dependend name (it depends on B<T> and therefore on the template parameter T). For this reason the compiler doesn't know if it is supposed to be a type or a variable when parsing the template. In that situation it assumes that my_ptr is not a type, unless you explecitely tell it so. Therefore you need to add typename, just like the compiler told you to do:

typedef typename A< B >::my_ptr x;

For a more complete explanation look at this answer to a similar question.

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