i'm looking for a program that can simulates some clicks everywhere, on every button and stuff in my iphone app, to find some crashs before submitting the app.

i don't know if something like that really exist. Thanx

Ch Hnsn
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4 Answers4


In iOS 4, Apple started supplying the UIAutomation framework that allows you to test your app automatically. It leverages Accessibility.

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Robotic Cat
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Try out fonemonkey.

You can create your scripts programatically or record movements and clicks on the screen like Selenium style.

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You can try out the Telerik Test Studio for iOS. I haven't tried it yet, but it seems promising.

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  • looks cool, but i don't want to record click and stuff, just a program that will click everywhere is possible to see if there is a probleme somewhere – Ch Hnsn Aug 14 '12 at 15:12

What you are searching for is likely to be an Acceptance Test framework. I don't know any of them that can automatically recognize the UIControls in you app and perform random actions, but you can refer to this thread to have an overview of the available technologies to perform UI automated tests (in the section Acceptance Test).

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Nicola Miotto
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