Been trying off and on for days now and can't figure this out. I have written a C# class file for an Intranet app to control the local serial ports. It works great when I manually register the dll using regasm, however, I need to deploy this control from a web page without having to manually register it. I tried creating a Setup Project in Visual Studio 2010, it compiled fine yet I can not open the object in a webpage.

Here are the pertinent lines of code from my C# class:

namespace wmsSerialPorts
      public interface iAxDevices
        int OpenPort(string sComPort);
        int ClosePort();
        int SendCmd(string sCmd);
        string GetLastError();
        //string ReadLine();
        string ReadWeight();
        Microsoft.JScript.ArrayObject GetJsPorts();
        void prtLabel(string sItemNum, string sQty, string sDesc, string sWoNum, string sBoxID, string sBoxIDBarCode, string sBoxIDorig);
        void prtLabelQC(string sItemNum, string sQty, string sDesc, string sWoNum, string sBoxID, string sBoxIDBarCode, string sBoxIDorig, string sNeedDate, string sRecOverride);
        void prtReset();

    public class AXDevices : wmsSerialPorts.SerialCom, iAxDevices, wmsSerialPorts.IObjectSafety

As I mentioned, if I use regasm wmsSerialPorts.dll, the object works great when called from JavaScript like this:

myAx = new ActiveXObject("AXDevices");

My Setup project contains a wmsSerialPorts.inf file:




[Setup Hooks]



run=msiexec.exe /package """%EXTRACT_DIR%\ActiveXSetup.msi""" /qn

.... and an ActiveXBuild.ddf file:

.Set DiskDirectoryTemplate=cab

.Set CabinetNameTemplate=ActiveXSetup.cab



My wmsSerialPorts.dll file is properly referenced as a detached asseembly and building the Setup Project created the ActiveXSetup.cab and ActiveXSetup.msi files as expected.

I then created this HTML page to load the object:

<!--    <object id="AXDevices" classid="clsid:E59C5B7E-EF1F-4241-A9FD-191EF8FCC167" codebase="">
        <object id="AXDevices" classid="clsid:E59C5B7E-EF1F-4241-A9FD-191EF8FCC167" codebase="ActiveXSetup.cab">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        try {
            var obj = document.AXDevices;
            if (obj) {
            } else {
                alert("Object is not created!");
        } catch (ex) {
            alert("Error message is: " + ex.Description);

... but when I run the page, it generates an error of "undefined" (from the catch(ex) block). Any ideas? Thanks in advance ....... Bob

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  • Oops, pasted the wrong code. Here's the page: Test – Bob Aug 10 '12 at 01:21

1 Answers1


Your Codebase has to be a url, not just a filename. If your file is in C:\inetpub\myCabFiles\ActiveXSetup.cab, and your website is in C:\inetpub, then codebase should be something like

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